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[英]String was not recognized as a valid DateTime

This is my first post here. 这是我在这里的第一篇文章。 The application is a winform I have set the culture for the application as en-GB but while checking and saving I convert it back to en-US I get this the error String was not recornized as a valid DateTime 该应用程序是Winform,我已将该应用程序的区域性设置为en-GB,但是在检查并保存后将其转换回en-US,我得到此错误,字符串未重新定义为有效的DateTime

CultureInfo currentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
string strCheckDate = CheckConvertCulture(input);
string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("M/d/yyyy");

if (DateTime.ParseExact(strCheckDate,currentCulture.ToString(),null)> DateTime.ParseExact(date,currentCulture.ToString(),null))
      return false;
      return true;

What am I doing wrong here 我在这里做错了什么

This is my converCurrentCulture code 这是我的converCurrentCulture代码

string strdate = string.Empty;
CultureInfo currentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo usDtfi = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false).DateTimeFormat;
if (currentCulture.ToString() != "en-US")
    strdate = Convert.ToDateTime(Culturedate).ToString(usDtfi.ShortDatePattern);
    strdate = Culturedate;

    return strdate;

This is what I did to get it to work, but if a user selects an invalid date like 29/02/2013 will it work not sure, 这就是我要使其正常工作的方法,但是如果用户选择的日期无效(如2013年2月29日),它将无法正常工作,

CultureInfo currentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", currentCulture);

Since the application is default to en-GB 由于该应用程序默认为en-GB

if (DateTime.Parse(input) > DateTime.Parse(date))
  return false;
  return true;

If this is actually your code: 如果这实际上是您的代码:

CultureInfo currentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
string strCheckDate = CheckConvertCulture(input);

if (DateTime.ParseExact(strCheckDate,currentCulture.ToString(),null)

then the problem is in your ParseExact, which translates to 那么问题出在您的ParseExact中,即

if (DateTime.ParseExact(strCheckDate, "en-US", null))

You would be better off specifying the date in a specific format, and parsing that: 您最好以特定的格式指定日期,然后解析该日期:

string format = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss";
string strCheckDate = input.ToString(format);

// See note below about "why are you doing this?    
if (DateTime.ParseExact(strCheckDate, format))

My big question is - why are you doing this? 我的大问题是-您为什么要这样做? If you have two dates, why are you converting them both to strings, and then converting them back to dates to compare them? 如果您有两个日期,为什么要将它们都转换为字符串,然后再将其转换回日期以进行比较?

return (input > date);

Please see the MSDN documentation for the proper use of DateTime.ParseExact. 请参阅MSDN文档以正确使用DateTime.ParseExact。

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