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具有异步从属的Percona Xtradb集群

[英]Percona xtradb cluster with asynch slaves

I have a Percona xtradb cluster set up with 3 nodes. 我有一个设置有3个节点的Percona xtradb集群。 Node 1 is also set up as a master with an asynchronous slave. 节点1也被设置为具有异步从站的主站。 When I make an update to Node 1, it is replicated to the cluster as well as the slave. 当我对节点1进行更新时,它会复制到群集以及从属服务器。 However, when I make an update to Node 2 or Node 3 the slave does not replicate Node 1. 但是,当我更新节点2或节点3时,从站不会复制节点1。

When an update is made on node 2 or node 3, node1 doesn't update his bin-log. 在节点2或节点3上进行更新时,node1不会更新其bin-log。

How can I get the bin logs to stay up to date? 如何获取垃圾箱日志以保持最新状态?

And if all three nodes were masters to asynch slaves how can I keep all 3 bin-logs the same? 并且,如果所有三个节点都是主控者,则如何使所有三个bin日志保持相同?

You can get the binlog entries in the log of node1 for node2 and node3 by adding the log-slave-updates setting on node1. 通过在node1上添加log-slave-updates设置,可以在node1的节点2和node3的日志中获取binlog条目。

But the binlogs will not be consistant across the nodes so you can't fail the async slave to node2 and node 3 without rebuilding the slave. 但是binlog不会在节点之间保持一致,因此您不能在不重建从属的情况下使异步从属节点失败到node2和node 3。

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