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[英]Server-side validation, client-side notification?

When a user fills a login form with an username and a password I use php to do a server-side validation of the data inputted by comparing it with the one in the "users" table in the SQL database. 当用户使用用户名和密码填写登录表单时,我使用php通过将数据与SQL数据库中“users”表中的数据进行比较,对输入的数据进行服务器端验证。 I'd like to notify the user if the password is incorrect without redirecting him - using a javascript dialog, for instance. 我想在没有重定向的情况下通知用户密码是否正确 - 例如,使用javascript对话框。 Is that possible? 那可能吗? The only way I found to notify the user was: 我发现通知用户的唯一方法是:

if ($password_given != $password_from_db) {
    echo "Wrong password."; // Dull non-html notification issued by the server

or 要么

if ($password_given != $password_from_db) {
    header('Location: index.php?page=wrongpassword'); //Need redirection

Is there anyway to this differently? 这有什么不同吗?

A javascript to get the inputted data, send it to the server to be processed is an idea, but how could I return a result for the javascript to use? 获取输入数据的javascript,将其发送到服务器进行处理是一个想法,但我怎样才能返回javascript使用的结果?

Can be done using AJAX - 可以使用AJAX完成 -

<form onsubmit="return ajaxsubmit();">

Javascript- Javascript成为

function ajaxsubmit() {
    param = 'email=' + document.forms.login.email + '&' + 'pass=' + document.forms.login.pass;
    xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.open('POST', 'process.php', true);
    xhr.onload = function() {
        if(xhr.responseText.indexOf("Wrong")>=0) {
            //wrong password, ask user to try again
        } else {
            //correct password, redirect or do stuff.
    xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); 
    return false;

You can keep your server-side validation code in process.php and use the above code in the page where the form is. 您可以将您的服务器端验证代码保存在process.php中,并在表单所在的页面中使用上述代码。 You're done. 你完成了。

JQuery JQuery的

$.post("test.php", $("#testform").serialize())
.done(function(data) {
  if( data=='validated')
window.location.href = "successpage.php";
 alert ('password dont match!');


php PHP

if ($password_given != $password_from_db) 
    echo "notvalidated."; 
   echo     echo "validated.";


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