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[英]Checking children for attribute in conditional

I am trying to see if the <ul id="sortable"> has less than 3 <li> children and each child does not contain the qual="qualX" (where 'X' is an integer and 'qual' is an attribute). 我试图查看<ul id="sortable">是否有少于3个<li>子级,并且每个子级都不包含qual="qualX" (其中'X'是整数,'qual'是属性)。

There is a 3x2 grid <div id="qualities"> that when a <div class="quality"> is clicked, it will add a <li> to <ul id="sortable"> . 有一个3x2的网格<div id="qualities"> ,当单击<div class="quality"> ,它将为<ul id="sortable">添加一个<li> <ul id="sortable"> The adding part works, but I want to make it so you can't add the same <li> more than once and not have more than 3 <li> total. 加法部分起作用,但是我想这样做,所以您不能多次添加相同的<li>并且总计不能超过3个<li> Right now, only the 3 <li> restricter is working; 目前,只有3个<li>限制器在起作用; the "don't add the samea thing twice" code is not, as it's always true right now (apparently). “不要两次添加相同的东西”代码不是,因为现在(显然)始终是正确的。

My logic code is 我的逻辑代码是

$(".quality").click(function() {
    if($("#sortable").children().length < 3 && $("#sortable").children("li").each().attr("qual") !== $(this).attr("qual")) {
        $("#sortable").append("<li qual=" + $(this).attr("qual") + ">" + $(this).text() + "</li>");

whereas the HTML that is using this is 而使用它的HTML是

    <li style="display:inline-block;">
        <div id="qualities">
            <div style="width:600px;overflow:hidden;background:blue;">
                <div class="quality" qual="qual1" style="width:200px;float:left;">
                    Quality 1
                <div class="quality" qual="qual2" style="width:200px;float:left;">
                    Quality 2
                <div class="quality" qual="qual3" style="width:200px;float:left;">
                    Quality 3
                <div class="quality" qual="qual4" style="width:200px;float:left;">
                    Quality 4
                <div class="quality" qual="qual5" style="width:200px;float:left;">
                    Quality 5
                <div class="quality" qual="qual6" style="width:200px;float:left;">
                    Quality 6
    <li style="display:inline-block;">
        <div id="priority">
            <ul id="sortable">
                <!--<li>Item 1</li>-->

<div id="priority">
    <ul id="sortable">
        <!--<li>Quality 1</li>-->
... && !$("#sortable").children("[qual=" + $(this).attr('qual') + "]").length

This selects children that have the matching qual attribute using the attribute selector. 这将使用属性选择器选择具有匹配qual属性的子级。

You should probably use data-qual over qual . 您可能应该使用data-qual不是qual

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