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[英]Zoom/scale page on load for users to be as wide see my images of wordpress website

So I designed a website that is for 1024x768... A decision I made based on global stats showcasing this to be still the predominant resolution. 因此,我设计了一个1024x768的网站...根据全球统计数据做出的决定表明,该决定仍然是主要的解决方案。

I myself zoom in and it looks great. 我自己放大,看起来很棒。 I used a few tricks on some pictures they are higher res but scaled down if you zoom in they are not blury. 我在一些分辨率较高的图片上使用了一些技巧,但如果放大它们不会模糊,则将其缩小。

However... now anyone who opens and doesn't know how to zoom in will see a page that's tiny as more and more people are using higher resolution screens. 但是...现在,任何打开并且不知道如何放大的人都将看到一个很小的页面,因为越来越多的人正在使用高分辨率的屏幕。 Still having the users to zoom in is not right and I want to fix this... 仍然让用户放大是不正确的,我想解决这个问题。

Is there a way to scale the page upon opening for each user depending on their viewport? 有没有一种方法可以根据每个用户的视口在每个用户打开时缩放页面?

How a user sees it now: http://i.stack.imgur.com/XBqiQ.jpg 用户现在如何看待它: http : //i.stack.imgur.com/XBqiQ.jpg

How I view it and would like users to view: http://i.stack.imgur.com/xNTIF.png 我如何查看并希望用户查看: http : //i.stack.imgur.com/xNTIF.png

The only stuff I could find relating to zooming and scaling was for images only... 我能找到的与缩放和缩放有关的唯一内容是仅用于图像...


Ok in response to the answer given to me to what was given to me did not work in firefox not sure about IE as I did not test it but it was exactly what i wanted! 好的,对我给出的答案的回答没有在firefox中起作用,因为我没有测试它,所以不确定IE,但这正是我想要的!


Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

The problem I also run in to using this is with an iframe I have: I use this on an iframe page to load the forum and fit it in the content of the wordpress page . 我也遇到了使用iframe的问题:我在iframe页面上使用它来加载论坛并使其适合wordpress页面的内容。 This code automaticaly resizes it and puts it on top. 此代码自动调整其大小并将其放在顶部。

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
 function resizeIframe(obj)
   obj.style.height = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px';
   obj.style.width = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth + 'px';                        

[iframe id="frmid" frameborder="0" padding="0" margin="0" onload="javascript:resizeIframe(this); window.parent.parent.scrollTo(0,0)" src="http://muslimbodybuilding.com/Forum/" scrolling="no"]

See screenshot in comment I could not post another link limits me... 看到评论中的屏幕截图,我无法发布其他链接限制了我...

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I've also run across another similar solution that works in Firefox 我还遇到了另一个在Firefox中可用的类似解决方案

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(window).load(function() {
  var currentWidth = jQuery(document.body).width();
    var targetWidth = 1100; // experiment for your self
    var scrollWidth = 0; // need to make it dynamic --- was 20
    // if the screen is not bigger than the target, then don't mess with zooming
    if (currentWidth > targetWidth) {
      if (typeof document.body.style.transform != "undefined")
        document.body.style.transform = currentWidth / targetWidth;
      else if (typeof document.body.style.MozTransform != "undefined") {
        document.body.style.MozTransformOrigin = "left top";
        document.body.style.MozTransform = 'scale(' + currentWidth / targetWidth + ')';
      else if (typeof document.body.style.WebkitTransform != "undefined")
        document.body.style.WebkitTransform = 'scale(' + currentWidth / targetWidth + ')';

      jQuery(document.body).width(targetWidth - scrollWidth);

It zooms in the iframe too, however the facebook slider I have then gets pushed and moves around as I keep changing pages. 它也放大了iframe,但是随着我不断更改页面,我随后推过的Facebook滑块开始移动。

In chrome it still does not zoom the iframe with this method. 在chrome中,仍然无法使用此方法缩放iframe。

Any ideas on this? 有什么想法吗?

Assuming you are using jQuery (you can do it without jQuery but it makes the code much more succinct for cross-browser compatibility) you could do: 假设您使用的是jQuery(您可以在不使用jQuery的情况下执行此操作,但是它使代码更易于跨浏览器兼容),您可以执行以下操作:

$('body').css('zoom',$(window).width()/768); $('body')。css('zoom',$(window).width()/ 768);

This sets the zoom property of the body to the ratio by which the browser window is wider than your design. 这会将主体的zoom属性设置为浏览器窗口比您的设计宽的比例。 Beware that not all browsers support css zoom . 请注意,并非所有浏览器都支持css zoom

However, this is really a bit of a nasty hack - the 'modern' way to do it is to use responsive web design , to give a good experience whatever the width of the client browser. 但是,这确实有点讨厌-做到这一点的“现代”方法是使用响应式网页设计 ,无论客户端浏览器的宽度如何,都可以提供良好的体验。

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