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asp.net mvc4 EF5 单例?

[英]asp.net mvc4 EF5 Singleton?

I have a project going on and I'd like to have one unique instance of a class.我有一个项目正在进行中,我想要一个独特的类实例。

I have a 'JobOffer' class, which has a property of type 'OfferStatus' (which is abstract and implements a state pattern).我有一个“JobOffer”类,它有一个“OfferStatus”类型的属性(它是抽象的并实现了一个状态模式)。 I have 'StateAvailable' and 'StateUnavailable' (or 'open' and 'closed' if you wish).我有 'StateAvailable' 和 'StateUnavailable'(或者如果你愿意,也可以是 'open' 和 'closed')。 The 'JobOffer' objects have to be stored in the db. 'JobOffer' 对象必须存储在数据库中。

I'd like to have just one 'StateAvailable' and one 'StateUnavailable', so when I create a new JobOffer I reference to 'StateAvailable' or 'StateUnavailable', and then I could list all the jobOffers which are Open (available) and all that are Closed (unavailable).我只想有一个“StateAvailable”和一个“StateUnavailable”,所以当我创建一个新的 JobOffer 时,我会引用“StateAvailable”或“StateUnavailable”,然后我可以列出所有开放(可用)和所有已关闭(不可用)。

I know that I could do this by adding the states in the db in the seed method, and never instantiate a new state.我知道我可以通过在种子方法的数据库中添加状态来做到这一点,并且永远不要实例化新状态。 But I was wondering if it is possible to do a singleton or something to avoid that somebody (I mean controller, model or anything) can create new instances of that class.但我想知道是否有可能做一个单例或其他事情来避免某人(我的意思是控制器、模型或任何东西)可以创建该类的新实例。

public class JobOffer {
public int JobOfferId {get;set;}
public OfferState State {get;set;
public virtual ICollection<Person> People {get;set;}

//And some methods here, which depends on the state
//ie, this.State.myMethod();

My first thought was to use a boolean.我的第一个想法是使用布尔值。 Then you said you have to be able to expand to have more states, so I thought of an enum.然后你说你必须能够扩展到有更多的状态,所以我想到了一个枚举。 Then you said you have this requirement to use a class, so... here's a little something I use when I want an enum with more smarts.然后你说你有这个要求来使用一个类,所以......当我想要一个更聪明的枚举时,我会使用一些东西。 You could call it a sort of "enumerating class", I suppose.我想你可以称它为一种“枚举类”。 So, your OfferState class looks like this:因此,您的OfferState类如下所示:

public sealed class OfferState
    public bool CanChangeState { get; set; }
    //whatever properties you need

    public static OfferState Available = new OfferState(true);
    public static OfferState Unavailable = new OfferState(true);
    public static OfferState Closed = new OfferState(false);
    //whatever states you need

    public OfferState(bool canChange)
        CanChangeState = canChange;

This acts kind of like an enum, but it has properties like a class.这有点像枚举,但它具有类似类的属性。 So in your logic, you can check state:所以在你的逻辑中,你可以检查状态:

if (jobOffer.State == OfferState.Available)

You can also get properties off it, so you can use it to get information about the state:您还可以从中获取属性,以便您可以使用它来获取有关状态的信息:

jobOffer.ExpiryDate = jobOffer.CreationDate.Add(OfferState.Available.MaxDuration);

And of course, the static nature of the various states will ensure that there's only ever one instance of each.当然,各种状态的static特性将确保每个状态只有一个实例。

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