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[英]backbone.js for large applications

I'm currently reading up on Backbone.js to dig into this nice, light-weight framework, but also to decide whether this is the way to go for me in some future projects I have on the drawing board. 我目前正在阅读Backbone.js,以深入研究这个不错的轻量级框架,同时还要确定这是否是我在绘图板上做的一些未来项目中适合我的方法。 One thing I always seem to run into when reading about Backbone is that it is a framework mainly created and used for small (or smaller) sized web applications, such as the tutorial example, todos , on the Backbone.js official website. 在阅读有关Backbone时,我似乎总是碰到的一件事是,它是一个主要创建并用于小型(或较小)大小的Web应用程序的框架,例如Backbone.js官方网站上的教程示例todos

I'm interested in learning about others' experience with Backbone.js and its scalability. 我对了解其他人对Backbone.js的体验及其可伸缩性感兴趣。 Would one normally discourage the usage of Backbone.js for web-applications with a more complex structure and a lot more functionality than just a simple “todos” application and the like? 通常,人们会不赞成将Backbone.js用于结构更简单,功能更多的Web应用程序,而不仅仅是简单的“ todos”应用程序等?

I've read some of the other questions on SO which provided me with some insights, but I still miss the “discussion” about this. 我已经阅读了关于SO的其他一些问题,这些问题为我提供了一些见解,但是我仍然想念关于此的“讨论”。

Every input will be highly appreciated. 每个输入将不胜感激。

Cheers, 干杯,
- Mestika -梅斯蒂卡

I think you're missing the point about the todomvc project which aims to demonstrate the usage of various JavaScript frameworks (including more full-featured frameworks such as ember and Angular ) and allow comparison of the approach you would take using each. 我认为您缺少关于todomvc项目的要点,该项目旨在演示各种JavaScript框架(包括更全功能的框架,例如emberAngular )的用法,并允许比较每种方法的使用方式。

The todo project was chosen as a fairly simple example which can still be used to demonstrate many of the core features of the various frameworks. 选择todo项目作为一个非常简单的示例,该示例仍然可以用来演示各种框架的许多核心功能。 If the example application was more complicated it would be less useful as a means of quick comparison. 如果示例应用程序更加复杂,则作为快速比较的手段将没有太大用处。

Backbone, despite being quite light and non-proscriptive, can still be used as the basis of more complicated web applications, especially if you combine it with supporting libraries such as requirejs (for modular JavaScript development) and Marionette (composite application library for Backbone). 尽管Backbone相当轻巧且没有说明性,但仍可以用作更复杂的Web应用程序的基础,尤其是将Backbone与诸如requirejs (用于模块化JavaScript开发)和Marionette (用于Backbone的复合应用程序库)等支持库结合使用时。

If you still need convincing, have a look at this page which lists some of the applications in the wild which are based on backbone. 如果您仍然需要说服力,请查看此页面 ,其中列出了一些基于主干的野外应用程序。

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