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在Drupal 7中创建自定义页面时出错

[英]Error when creating a custom page in Drupal 7

(Using Adaptive Theme) I want a new and custom user login page. (使用自适应主题)我想要一个新的自定义用户登录页面。 So, put this code in my template.php: 因此,将此代码放在我的template.php中:

function mythemename_theme() {
  $items = array();
  // create custom user-login.tpl.php
  $items['user_login'] = array(
  'render element' => 'form',
  'path' => drupal_get_path('theme', 'mythemename') . '/templates',
  'template' => 'user-login',
  'preprocess functions' => array(
return $items;

Changed mythemename to my custom theme name. 将mythemename更改为我的自定义主题名称。 And created user-login.tpl.php files and put this code: 并创建了user-login.tpl.php文件,并放置以下代码:

  print drupal_render($form['name']);
  print drupal_render($form['pass']);
  print drupal_render($form['form_build_id']);
  print drupal_render($form['form_id']);
  print drupal_render($form['actions']);

Lastly, cleared my site cache. 最后,清除了我的网站缓存。 But when i click mysite.com/user login page not changed. 但是,当我单击mysite.com/user登录页面时,未更改。

Where the error am I doing? 我在哪里出错? How can I solve this problem? 我怎么解决这个问题?

Try putting this in template.php, change mythemename to theme name, and flush the cache. 尝试将其放在template.php中,将mythemename更改为主题名称,然后刷新缓存。

function mythemename_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path){
    'render element'=>'form',
    return $hooks;

Then in templates/user-login.tpl.php insert: 然后在template / user-login.tpl.php中插入:

print render($form['name']);
print render($form['pass']);
print render($form['form_build_id']);
print render($form['form_id']);
print render($form['actions']);

or 要么

<?php print drupal_render_children($form) ?>

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