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[英]create a balloon popup in taskbar using javascript

I need to create a function that will produce a balloon popup in the taskbar using javascript. 我需要创建一个函数,该函数将使用javascript在任务栏中生成气球弹出窗口。

Is it possible? 可能吗? Whats the shortest and easiest way to do this? 最简单快捷的方法是什么?

or else what will be the available method.. 否则将是可用的方法。

Thanks. 谢谢。

The closest you could get is to make one fixed to the bottom of the viewport of the browser. 您能得到的最接近的方法是将其固定在浏览器视口的底部。 You could tailor it to appear as though it were part of the windows chrome, but this does tend to annoy users, who don't appreciate attempts to 'fool' them into believing a dialogue/popup/whatever is coming from their OS when it actually isn't. 您可以对其进行裁剪,使其看起来好像是Windows chrome的一部分,但这确实会惹恼用户,他们不喜欢尝试“愚弄”他们以至于他们认为对话/弹出式窗口/无论操作系统发出的声音是什么。实际上不是。

See: Jeff Atwood on the horrors of fake interfaces 参见: 杰夫·阿特伍德(Jeff Atwood)关于假接口的恐惧

Impossible from a browser. 从浏览器不可能。 And a good thing. 和一件好事。

eum.. no ? 恩..不?

Wouldn't be cross-platform anyway. 无论如何都不会跨平台。 Just don't try to do things outside of the browser. 只是不要尝试在浏览器之外执行操作。 Internet explorer can eventually let you, the others not. Internet Explorer最终可以让您,其他人则不能。

You could probably come pretty close with jGrowl . 您可能与jGrowl非常接近。 But you'll have to reset the position to bottom-right (it defaults to top-right). 但是您必须将位置重置为右下角(默认为右上角)。

The Yahoo Widget Engine (previously called Konfabulator) allowes to do so; Yahoo Widget Engine (以前称为Konfabulator)允许这样做。 you'll be not in a browser anymore, but in a lightweight web-based desktop application, which probably is rather what you want anyway. 您将不再使用浏览器,而是使用基于Web的轻量级桌面应用程序,无论如何这可能是您想要的。

Anybeast from a webpage should never ever leave it's frame/browser. 网页上的任何野兽都不应该离开框架/浏览器。

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