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[英]Form in JSP Page not Submitting

I have a jsp page which has a form embedded and I'm submitting the form via JavaScript. 我有一个嵌入表单的jsp页面,我正在通过JavaScript提交表单。

When the page has say aroung 10-50 items the submit is working fine but if the page has aroud 500 items or more its not submitting. 当页面说有10到50项时,提交工作正常,但是如果页面有500项或更多,则该页面未提交。

After I click the submit button the page just stays in the current page and it just keeps loading. 单击提交按钮后,页面仅停留在当前页面中,并且继续加载。

How can I solve this issue. 我该如何解决这个问题。

A sample code is shown below: 示例代码如下所示:

<script type="text/javascript">
function submitChecked() {
   var approveStr="";
   var approveArr=new Array();
   if(document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.length != undefined)
      for(var i=0; i < document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.length; i++) 
            approveStr +=document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer[i].value + ",";
          alert("Please make a selection by clicking atleast one checkbox");

   }   //end of if checking multiple checkboxes
else   //if the page has only one checkbox(version)
           window.location = "process.jsp?passCheckVer="+document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.value+'&u_trackingRequestID=<%=request.getParameter("u_trackingRequestID")%>';
         alert("Please make a selection by clicking atleast one checkbox");
String newTrackingReqId=request.getParameter("u_trackingRequestID");
<form name=frmReleaseDetail>
//jdbc code
//100's checkbox named checkBoxVer
//button to invoke submitChecked javascript function
<form name=newForm" id="newForm" action="process.jsp" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="passCheckVer" id="passCheckVerVal"/>
<input type="hidden" name="u_trackingRequestID" id="u_trackingRequestIDVal" value="<%=newTrackingReqId%>"/>

You need to change the form method to POST. 您需要将form方法更改为POST。

<form name=frmReleaseDetail method="post">

By default the method is GET. 默认情况下,该方法为GET。 More informations here . 更多信息在这里 You have quantity of data limitation lot smaller in GET. 您在GET中的数据限制数量要小得多。

EDIT : 编辑:

Code suggestion with only one form : 代码建议只有一种形式:

<script type="text/javascript">
function submitChecked() {
   var checked = false;

   for(var i=0; i < document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.length; i++) 
            checked = true;

   if((document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.length != undefined and checked) or (document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.checked))
       alert("Please make a selection by clicking atleast one checkbox");
String newTrackingReqId=request.getParameter("u_trackingRequestID");
<form id="frmReleaseDetail" name="frmReleaseDetail" action="process.jsp" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="u_trackingRequestID" id="u_trackingRequestIDVal" value="<%=newTrackingReqId%>"/>
//jdbc code
//100's checkbox named checkBoxVer
//button to invoke submitChecked javascript function

For anyone making noob (newbie) mistakes : 对于犯了新手错误的新手

1: Type is "submit" NOT "button" 1:类型为“提交”而非“按钮”

GOOD/CORRECT: ---------------------------------------------- 良好/正确: ----------------------------------------------

<input type="submit" value="some_button_label" />

BAD/INCORRECT: ---------------------------------------------- 不良/错误: ----------------------------------------------

<input type="button" value="some_button_label" />

2: Submit button needs to be nested inside the form. 2:“提交”按钮需要嵌套在表单中。

GOOD/CORRECT: ---------------------------------------------- 良好/正确: ----------------------------------------------

<form action="cookies-personalize-response.jsp">
    <select name="fav_lan">
        type ="submit"

BAD/INCORRECT: ------------------------------------------------ 不良/错误: ---------------------------------------------- -

<form action="cookies-personalize-response.jsp">
    <select name="fav_lan">
    type ="submit"

3: Referesh page after fix , view source in browser to make sure actually changed. 3:修复后重新引用页面 ,在浏览器中查看源代码以确保实际更改。 As silly as the last answer is, it is actually the one that I got stuck on the longest. 尽管最后一个答案很愚蠢,但这实际上是我最长的答案。

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