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Eclipse Java自动完成当前类方法

[英]Eclipse Java auto-complete for current class methods

Using a very recent version of Eclipse Juno, auto-complete on Java method calls using Ctrl+Space fails to work unless the this keyword is used. 使用最新版本的Eclipse Juno,除非使用this关键字,否则使用Ctrl+Space进行Java方法调用的自动完成功能将无法正常工作。

I believe this is non-default behaviour; 我认为这是非默认行为; I'm sure use of this wasn't required the last time I used the IDE. 我敢肯定,利用this并不需要我最后一次使用的IDE。

Is anyone aware of a fix? 有人知道解决方法吗?

I found a solution here . 我在这里找到了解决方案。

Changing the activation trigger as described in several answers in the linked thread solves the problem. 如链接线程中多个答案所述,更改激活触发器即可解决该问题。

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