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[英]Browser back button support

After clicking on browser back button it sends a post request and browser does not allow it to send a post request again and it displays a confirm for re submission page how to avoid this page in java with spring framework. 单击浏览器后退按钮后,它将发送一个发布请求,浏览器不允许它再次发送一个发布请求,并且显示一个关于重新提交页面的确认信息,如何在使用Spring框架的Java中避免该页面。

post request code is given below.. 职位要求代码如下。

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "action=search_by_name")
public ModelAndView searchByName(@RequestParam("contactName") String contactName, HttpSession session, WebRequest request) {
    ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(determineSearchSummaryView(request));

    ContactSearchHelper helper = new ContactSearchHelper(contactName);

    // After all the selections they made lets filter out based on the limited Territories
    CustomerUser user = (CustomerUser) userService.getLoggedInUser();

    EntitySearchCriteria criteria = helper.asCriteria(searchService);
    addSummaryCounts(mav, criteria, searchService);

    Long savedSearchId = searchService.save(criteria, SavedSearchType.CONTACT, false).getId();
    session.setAttribute(getSearchHelperParam(), helper);
    session.setAttribute("contactDiscovery", "false");
    addAccordionData(mav, null);
    return mav;

You just need to use redirects after POSTing to some URL . 您只需在POST到某些URL之后使用重定向 You can do this with redirect: prefix or with RedirectView . 您可以使用redirect: prefixRedirectView做到这一点。

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