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Access-Control-Allow-Origin不允许使用Origin url

[英]Origin url is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

I know there are many questions already regarding this error. 我知道关于这个错误已经有很多问题了。 But, I'm still not able to get this working even after setting the header 但是,即使在设置标题之后,我仍然无法使其工作

         "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" : "*"

on my server side. 在我的服务器端。

Here is my spring mvc controller method: 这是我的spring mvc控制器方法:

    @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="dummy/{num}")
    public ResponseEntity<Result> dummy(@PathVariable String num)
        int n = Integer.parseInt(num);
        final Result result = new Result();
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
        ResponseEntity<Result> ent = new ResponseEntity<Result>(result,headers,HttpStatus.CREATED);
        return ent;

And here is my AJAX call from Jquery 这是我从Jquery调用的AJAX

    url: "http://localhost:8010/Probe_Rest_Service/test/dummy/9",
    type: "get",
    crossDomain: true,
    dataType: 'json',
    headers: { 
    "Content-type" : "application/json"

    success: function(data){

        console.log("It worked!");

    error: function(){
        // enable the inputs

I tried calling my REST api from dev-http client for chrome and it works fine (the response header has Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* set) . 我尝试从dev-http客户端调用我的REST api进行chrome操作并且工作正常(响应头具有Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* set)。 But, when i call it from my html file, i get the error. 但是,当我从我的html文件中调用它时,我得到了错误。

I use JBoss for my rest api and tomcat for hosting my client webpage 我使用JBoss作为我的rest api和tomcat来托管我的客户端网页

Since you're sending the request with content type application/json the client is forced to do a CORS pre-flight request. 由于您使用内容类型application/json发送请求,因此客户端被迫执行CORS飞行前请求。

The CORS specification says that any content type other than application/x-www-form-urlencoded , multipart/form-data , or text/plain requires a pre-flight request to determine whether the header is allowed. CORS规范说,除application/x-www-form-urlencodedmultipart/form-datatext/plain之外的任何内容类型都需要一个飞行前请求来确定是否允许标头。

Therefore, you'll need to handle the pre-flight request (HTTP method = OPTIONS ). 因此,您需要处理飞行前请求(HTTP方法= OPTIONS )。

To make it simple, let the server respond with the header: 为简单起见,让服务器使用标头进行响应:

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *

That will allow all request headers. 这将允许所有请求标头。


I read your question again, and found something I don't understand: Why are you sending the Content-Type header in the first place for an HTTP GET request? 我再次阅读了你的问题,发现了一些我不明白的问题:为什么你首先要发送一个HTTP-GET请求的Content-Type标题? This is not correct. 这是不正确的。

Just remove 只需删除

headers: { 
   "Content-type" : "application/json"

and try again. 然后再试一次。 That might fix it! 这可能会解决它!

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