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[英]How to mysql_query in cycle until result?

I have a table of nested product categories. 我有一张嵌套的产品类别表。 I want to get data from field custom_inserts_ru and if it's empty - go to top (parent category) and check again. 我想从字段custom_inserts_ru获取数据,如果它为空,请转到顶部(父类别)并再次检查。

$mycat = 1146;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT categoryID, parent, custom_inserts_ru FROM SC_categories WHERE categoryID=$mycat");
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        $mycat = $row[1];
    } else {
        echo "$row[1] <pre>$row[2]</pre>";

I try this, but don't work( 我尝试了这个,但是不起作用(

I would do it like this 我会这样

function get_inserts ($db, $id) {
    $base_sql = "SELECT c.categoryID, 
           IFNULL(c.custom_inserts_ru, p.custom_inserts_ru) custom_inserts_ru, 
           p.parent parent_parent
      FROM SC_categories c LEFT JOIN
           SC_categories p ON c.parent = p.categoryID
     WHERE c.categoryID=";

    $inserts = "";
    do {
        $result = mysql_query ($base_sql . $id, $db);
        if (!$result) break;
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        $inserts = $row['custom_inserts_ru'];
        $id = $row['parent_parent'];

    } while (strlen($inserts) == 0 && $id);

    if($result) {
        mysql_free_result ($result);
    return $inserts;

To lessen the number of subsequent queries for a deep tree of categories a self join is introduced which fetches value of custom_inserts_ru either from current category or from its immediate parent in one select. 为了减少对一棵深树类别的后续查询的数量,引入了一种自我custom_inserts_ru ,该custom_inserts_ru可以一次选择从当前类别或其直接父项中获取custom_inserts_ru的值。

To use it 使用它

$mycat = 1146;
$db = mysql_connect(...);
if (!$db) {
    die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error());
$db_selected = mysql_select_db('test', $db);
if (!$db_selected) {
    die ('Unable to select database : ' . mysql_error());

$inserts = get_inserts($db, $mycat);
echo "custom_inserts_ru for Id $currentID is '$inserts'";

Since mysql_* extension is deprecated , you better switch to PDO or MySQLi and use prepared statements . 由于不建议使用 mysql_*扩展名,因此最好切换到PDOMySQLi并使用准备好的语句


while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
//In a cycle

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