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[英]do not apply css style to child elements

we have 我们有

<div class="xTable">
    <div class="xTable">
        <div class="xTable">

How do I apply custom css styles to 2nd div , only to 2nd div and not to 1 or 3 or deeper? 如何将自定义CSS样式应用于2nd div ,仅应用于2nd div而不是1或3或更深?

NO WAY TO ADD EXTRA CLASSES or IDS! 没有办法添加额外的课程或IDS! Html is generated dynamically and is unmanageable. Html是动态生成的,无法管理。

I would use 我会用

.xTable table .xTable

but that means 3rd and deeper divs will be affected. 但这意味着第三和更深的div将受到影响。

no IDs! 没有ID! Please CSS selectors only. 请仅限CSS选择器。

Thanks! 谢谢!

To cater fully for both this default markup and browsers which correctly add a tbody where it isn't already specified you'd need to use: 要完全满足此默认标记和浏览器的要求,这些标记正确地添加了尚未指定的tbody ,您需要使用:

body > .xTable > table > tr > td > .xTable,
body > .xTable > table > tbody > tr > td > .xTable {

JSFiddle example . JSFiddle示例

This assumes that your first <div class="xTable"> has no parents other than <body> . 这假设您的第一个<div class="xTable">没有除<body>之外的其他父项。 If this isn't the case then replace body with your parent. 如果不是这种情况,那么用您的父母替换body


<div class="xTable second-xTable-div"></div>

Using a :not selector to exclude the parent and then having a long list of child combinators might do the job: 使用:not选择器排除父级,然后有一个很长的子组合子列表可能会完成这项工作:

:not(table) > .xTable > table > tr > td > .xTable

You might need to mix in the implicit tbody elements to that though. 您可能需要将隐式tbody元素混合到那里。

A nicer solution would probably be: 一个更好的解决方案可能是:

.xTable .xTable {
    foo: bar;

.xTable .xTable .xTable {
    foo: Whatever it would have been if the previous selector didn't match

Then could this not be just: 那么这可能不仅仅是:

body > .xTable table tr td.xTable {STYLES}

???? ????

As you are saying that you can't add class name as provided by @Rob, then I think there is only one way to go with javascript or jquery. 正如你所说,你不能添加@Rob提供的类名,那么我认为只有一种方法可以使用javascript或jquery。 Below I provided solution using jQuery. 下面我使用jQuery提供了解决方案。

$('.xTable:eq(1)').css('backgroundColor','green'); //Selects the second .xTable class div

Check more about it here 在这里查看更多相关信息

When you use someelement someotherelement it is not important how much deep you go in the first element. 当你使用someelement someotherelement元素时,第一个元素的深度并不重要。 But you can add a > between them to select only the someotherelement that is exactly the child of someelement like this: someelement > someotherelement and it will not select childs of childs of the first selector. 但是,你可以添加>它们之间只选择someotherelement这正是的孩子someelement这样的: someelement > someotherelement ,也不会选择第一选择的孩子的孩子的的。

Class composition is recommended. 建议使用类成分。 for example <div class="table level-2" /> 例如<div class="table level-2" />

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