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[英]Why aren't my methods returning the String?

I am using a program class to try to test the methods in my object class to see if they work. 我正在使用程序类来尝试测试对象类中的方法,以查看它们是否有效。 It is a gas meter reading system and I am trying to deposit money to pay off some of the balance of what the customer owes. 这是一个煤气表读取系统,我正在尝试存钱以偿还客户欠款的部分余额。

My object class consists of: 我的对象类包括:

package GasAccountPracticeOne;

public class GasAccountPracticeOne 

    private int intAccRefNo;
    private String strName;
    private String strAddress;
    private double dblBalance = 0;
    private double dblUnits;
    private double dblUnitCost = 0.02;

    public GasAccountPracticeOne(int intNewAccRefNo, String strNewName, String strNewAddress, double dblNewUnits)
        intAccRefNo = intNewAccRefNo;
        strName = strNewName;
        strAddress = strNewAddress;
        dblUnits = dblNewUnits;

    }//end of constructor

    public GasAccountPracticeOne( int intNewAccRefNo, String strNewName, String `strNewAddress)
        intAccRefNo = intNewAccRefNo;
        strName = strNewName;
        strAddress = strNewAddress;

    }//end of overloading contructor

    public String deposit(double dblDepositAmount)
        dblBalance = dblBalance - dblDepositAmount;

        return "Balance updated";

In my program class I have written: 在我的程序课上,我写了:

        System.out.println("Enter deposit amount");

But in my object class in the deposit method I have asked for a string saying return "Balance updated" to be returned. 但是在我的对象类的deposit方法中,我要求输入一个字符串,说要返回return“ Balance Updated”。

When I run the test there is no string returned. 当我运行测试时,没有返回任何字符串。 Banging my head off the table - have I done something ridiculous? 我的头撞到桌子上-我做过什么荒唐的事吗?

You did nothing to print your string: 您没有执行任何操作来打印您的字符串:

1- use your output and print it: 1-使用您的输出并打印:

System.out.println("Enter deposit amount");
String myString = firstAccount.deposit(dblDepositAmount); //<-- you store your string somewhere
System.out.println(myString ); // you print your String here

System.out.println(firstAccount.deposit(dblDepositAmount)); // Or you can show it directly

2- You can also make your method print the value 2-您也可以使您的方法打印值

public void deposit(double dblDepositAmount)
    dblBalance = dblBalance - dblDepositAmount;

    System.out.println("Balance updated");

So when you call it, it will print by itself (returning a String value is useless in your case). 因此,当您调用它时,它将自行打印(在您的情况下,返回String值是没有用的)。

This line of code discards the result of invoking deposit method, therefore you do not see that string: 此行代码放弃调用deposit方法的结果,因此看不到该字符串:


Try the following instead: 请尝试以下操作:


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