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[英]Unity3d how to reference swipe control from another script?

I have tried every which way possible to get this to work with no success. 我已尽一切可能使此方法无法成功工作。 I have a swipe script and a game/control script. 我有一个滑动脚本和一个游戏/控制脚本。 I am trying to reference the swipe control in my control script as the means to control my character. 我试图在我的控制脚本中引用滑动控件作为控制角色的方法。 So far I am getting only one error from within Unity. 到目前为止,我在Unity内部仅收到一个错误。

Assets/RuinRunStarterKit/Scripts/csTempleRun.cs(307,25): error CS1501: No overload for method UpdatePlayer' takes 0' arguments 资产/ RuinRunStarterKit /脚本/csTempleRun.cs(307,25):错误CS1501:方法UpdatePlayer' takes重载没有UpdatePlayer' takes 0'参数

I've tried adding TouchDetector.enTouchType within the parenthesis of UpdatePlayer but that gives me three errors rather than just one. 我尝试在UpdatePlayer的括号内添加TouchDetector.enTouchType,但这给了我三个错误,而不仅仅是一个错误。 I've contacted numerous people and visited numerous sites looking for answers but have failed to yield a working result. 我已经联系了许多人,并访问了许多站点以寻找答案,但未能获得有效的结果。 I am not educated in programming. 我没有编程知识。 I have only researched online to figure out how to do something as far as programming goes. 我只是在网上进行研究,以弄清楚如何才能进行编程。 The second script I have here is from an Asset I purchased on the Unity Asset Store. 我这里的第二个脚本来自我在Unity Asset Store上购买的资产。 I have contacted them for support for adding swipe controls and they emailed me the touch script but failed to tell me how to implement it. 我已与他们联系以获取添加滑动控件的支持,他们通过电子邮件向我发送了触摸脚本,但未能告诉我如何实现。 I just want to play this game on my phone with swipe as the controls. 我只想在手机上玩游戏,只需滑动即可。 This is for personal use. 这是供个人使用。 I would really really appreciate it if someone could help me achieve the desired results. 如果有人可以帮助我达到预期的效果,我将非常感激。 Again, I want to be able to control the character using swipe. 同样,我希望能够使用滑动来控制角色。 Thank you. 谢谢。 Here are my scripts: 这是我的脚本:

TouchDetector.cs; TouchDetector.cs;

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;

    public class TouchDetector : MonoBehaviour {
public delegate void deTouchEvent
    (enTouchType touchType);

public static event

public enum enTouchType

void Start ()

void Update ()
    if (evTouchEvent == null)

    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow   )) evTouchEvent(enTouchType.SwipeUp   );
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow )) evTouchEvent(enTouchType.SwipeDown );
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow )) evTouchEvent(enTouchType.SwipeLeft );
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow)) evTouchEvent(enTouchType.SwipeRight);

    if (Input.touchCount > 0)
        foreach (Touch t in Input.touches)
            Vector3 swipe = t.deltaPosition * t.deltaTime;

            if (swipe.y >  0.5f) evTouchEvent(enTouchType.SwipeUp   );
            if (swipe.y < -0.5f) evTouchEvent(enTouchType.SwipeDown );
            if (swipe.x >  0.5f) evTouchEvent(enTouchType.SwipeRight);
            if (swipe.x < -0.5f) evTouchEvent(enTouchType.SwipeLeft );

csTempleRun.cs; csTempleRun.cs;

    void Update () 

        if (m_player != null)
            // Make the camera follow the player (if active)
            SmoothFollow sF = (SmoothFollow)Camera.mainCamera.GetComponent(typeof(SmoothFollow));
            sF.target = m_player.transform;         

            // Check for collisions with interactive objects

            // Dynamically update the track

    private void UpdatePlayer(TouchDetector.enTouchType T)
    // if the player is dead (replaced with ragdoll) then exit since none of this code should fire.
    if (m_player == null) 

    // Gradually increase the players' running speed, and update the animation to match.
    m_playerRunSpeed += Time.deltaTime * 0.005f;
    m_playerRunSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(m_playerRunSpeed, 0.5f, 3.0f);
    m_player.animation["run"].speed = m_playerRunSpeed * 2.0f;

    // ****************************************************************************************
    // INPUT

    // Player can only turn if they are not already sliding / jumping.  
    // Equally, sliding / jumping are mutually exclusive.

    if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.LeftArrow)&& m_playerJump <= -1.0f && m_playerSlide <=0.0f)
        if (m_playerDirection == enCellDir.North) m_playerNextDirection = enCellDir.West;
        if (m_playerDirection == enCellDir.East ) m_playerNextDirection = enCellDir.North;
        if (m_playerDirection == enCellDir.South) m_playerNextDirection = enCellDir.East;
        if (m_playerDirection == enCellDir.West ) m_playerNextDirection = enCellDir.South;

    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow) && m_playerJump <= -1.0f && m_playerSlide <=0.0f)
        if (m_playerDirection == enCellDir.North) m_playerNextDirection = enCellDir.East;
        if (m_playerDirection == enCellDir.East ) m_playerNextDirection = enCellDir.South;
        if (m_playerDirection == enCellDir.South) m_playerNextDirection = enCellDir.West;
        if (m_playerDirection == enCellDir.West ) m_playerNextDirection = enCellDir.North;

    if (T==TouchDetector.enTouchType.SwipeDown && m_playerJump <= -1.0f && m_playerSlide <=0.0f)
        m_playerSlide = 1.0f;

    if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) && m_playerJump <= -1.0f && m_playerSlide <=0.0f)
        AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(m_jumpAudio, m_player.transform.position);
        m_playerJump = 1.0f;
        m_playerYvel = 0.0f;

I hope I'm not doing anything wrong by posting this script but I feel I need to post this in order to get the help I need. 我希望通过发布此脚本没有做任何错误,但是我觉得需要发布此脚本才能获得所需的帮助。 You'll notice in the csTempleRun.cs script that I replaced one of the KeyCode calls with TouchDetector.enTouchType.SwipeDown. 您会注意到,在csTempleRun.cs脚本中,我用TouchDetector.enTouchType.SwipeDown替换了其中一个KeyCode调用。 Yet I am still getting an error. 但是我仍然遇到错误。 Thank you in advance for anyone's help. 预先感谢任何人的帮助。 Thank you for your time as well. 也感谢您的宝贵时间。

Look at your error - No overload for method UpdatePlayer' takes0' arguments . 查看您的错误- No overload for method UpdatePlayer' takes0' arguments It means that you need to supply an additional data to your method. 这意味着您需要为方法提供其他数据。 Which data you need to supply intellisense can tell you. 您需要提供intellisense的哪些数据可以告诉您。

In your code: 在您的代码中:

void Update () 

You call UpdatePlayer() with zero arguments. 您使用零参数调用UpdatePlayer() However, UpdatePlayer needs an argument: 但是, UpdatePlayer需要一个参数:

private void UpdatePlayer(TouchDetector.enTouchType T)

So, when you call UpdatePlayer() , you need to send an object of the type TouchDetector.enTouchType as parameter. 因此,当您调用UpdatePlayer() ,您需要发送TouchDetector.enTouchType类型的对象作为参数。 That would be one of the following: 那将是以下之一:

  • SwipeLeft 向左滑动
  • SwipeRight 向右滑动
  • SwipeDown 刷下
  • SwipeUp 向上滑动

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