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[英]PHP - Array fatal error

I've got an odd error in my PHP code regarding dynamic arrays. 我的PHP代码中有一个关于动态数组的奇怪错误。

The error outputted is: 输出的错误是:

Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array ... on line 89

This is a portion of my code, it is within a foreach loop, which is looping through settings in a database: 这是我的代码的一部分,它在foreach循环中,该循环遍历数据库中的设置:

foreach($query->fetchAll() as $row)
        $property = 'foreignSettings';
        $propertyType = 'foreignSettingsTypes';
    } else {
        $property = 'settings';
        $propertyType = 'settingTypes';

    $this->$property[$row['variable_section']][$row['variable_name']] = $row['variable_value'];

    $this->$propertyType[$row['variable_section']][$row['variable_name']] = $row['variable_type'];

For the sake of the example code, $site is 'admin' and CURRENT_SITE_TEMPLATE is 'admin'. 对于示例代码, $site为“ admin”, CURRENT_SITE_TEMPLATE为“ admin”。 In addition, $foreignSettings, $foreignSettingsTypes, $settings, and $settingTypes are all defined as arrays in the class scope 此外, $foreignSettings, $foreignSettingsTypes, $settings, and $settingTypes均在类范围内定义为数组。

The error is on line 89, which is: 该错误在第89行上,它是:

$this->$property[$row['variable_section']][$row['variable_name']] = $row['variable_value'];

I originally thought it was because of the $property variable accesing the array, however, this looks like valid legal code in the PHP documentation ( http://php.net/manual/en/language.variables.variable.php in example #1 ) 我最初以为是因为$ property变量访问数组,但是,这看起来像PHP文档中的有效法律代码( example #1 http://php.net/manual/zh/language.variables.variable.phpexample #1

Any help on this error would be appreciated. 对此错误的任何帮助将不胜感激。

Thanks 谢谢

In your given example $property is a string. 在您给出的示例中, $property是一个字符串。 You are then trying to use that as an array. 然后,您尝试将其用作数组。 Strings only has numeric indexes (if you need to use as an array). 字符串仅具有数字索引(如果需要用作数组)。

The problem is as follows: $this->$property[0] means you access the 0th place of $property which in your case would be the first letter of the string $property. 问题如下: $this->$property[0]表示您访问$ property的第0位,在您的情况下,它将是字符串$ property的第一个字母。 Thus you end up with $this->f or $this->s. 因此,您最终得到$ this-> f或$ this-> s。

with $this->$property[0][0] you would be trying to access the 0th place of the 0th place of the $property string what results in an error because you try to access the 0th place of the char s what is not possible since the char s can not be referenced as an array. 使用$this->$property[0][0]您将尝试访问$ property字符串的第0位的第0位,这将导致错误,因为您尝试访问char的第0位是什么。由于char不能作为数组引用,因此不可能。

what you want is $this->{$propperty}[0][0] what means that you try to access the 0th place of the 0th place of the variable that has the name $propperty. 您想要的是$this->{$propperty}[0][0]这意味着您尝试访问名称为$ propperty的变量的第0位的第0位。

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