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[英]Get value from MySQL table, show only top ten highest and top ten lowest

I have a table like this: 我有一张这样的桌子:

  Username    Rating
1 xxxxxxxx      -1
2 xxxxxxxx       2
3 xxxxxxxx       5
4 xxxxxxxx      -2
5 xxxxxxxx       4

(Imagine if the table was bigger and had more than 20 rows). (想象一下如果表更大并且有20多个行)。 I want to write a MySQL statement in PHP that will return two lists: a list of the top ten highest values ordered by largest first, and a list of the top ten lowest values, ordered lowest first. 我想在PHP中编写一个MySQL语句,该语句将返回两个列表:最大的前十个最高值的列表(按最大的顺序排列),以及前十个最低值的列表(按顺序的最低顺序排列)。 How would I go about this? 我将如何处理?

Ten highest: 十大最高:

SELECT Username, Rating FROM <Table> ORDER BY Rating DESC LIMIT 10;

Ten lowest: 最低的十:

SELECT Username, Rating FROM <Table> ORDER BY Rating ASC LIMIT 10;

You order the result and use limit 10 您订购结果并使用limit 10

select *
from mytable
order by rating
limit 10

or the top highest values 或最高的值

select *
from mytable
order by rating desc
limit 10

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