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[英]How to add a sample Button inside Ribbon in ms dynamics CRM

我是CRM的新手,现在我只想在Ribbon中添加一个名为sample的示例按钮,我已经导出了“ customized XML”,从此处如何添加自定义ID,命令ID等。

There are a couple of walkthroughs which should be able to help you with this: 有几个演练应该可以帮助您:

There are also tools like this one on CodePlex which can help you do it in a graphical fashion rather than messing with the XML. CodePlex上也有类似这样的工具,它们可以帮助您以图形方式完成操作,而不用弄乱XML。

Warning, opinion ahead 警告,前方意见

I remember when I was new to Dynamics CRM that what helped me initially was working with tools from the community until I got my head around things and could dive into more of the guts of the platform. 我还记得当我刚接触Dynamics CRM时,最初帮助我的是使用社区中的工具,直到我开始深入研究并可以深入研究平台的全部内容。 It might be worth going through a listing like this to see if there are things that can help you on your CRM journey. 这样的清单可能值得一看,看看是否有可以帮助您完成CRM旅程的事物。

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