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[英]Cannot open signalr connection in silverlight client

I am trying to implement SignalR in Silverlight based on this blog: SignalR and Silverlight . 我正在尝试基于这个博客在Silverlight中实现SignalR: SignalR和Silverlight

When I try to .Invoke() I get a runtime error "System.InvalidOperationException: The Start method must be called before data can be sent. at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Connection.Send(String data) at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Hubs.HubProxy.Invoke[T](String method, Object[] args)..." 当我尝试.Invoke()时,我收到一个运行时错误“System.InvalidOperationException:必须先调用Start方法,然后才能发送数据。在Microsoft.AspNet的Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Connection.Send(字符串数据)中.SignalR.Client.Hubs.HubProxy.Invoke [T](String method,Object [] args)...“

I have _conn.Start() on my connection. 我的连接上有_conn.Start()。 If I try to Start() it a second time, right before invoke, it throws an exception. 如果我再次尝试Start()它,在调用之前,它会抛出异常。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

    private IHubProxy _hub;
    private HubConnection _conn;

    public AddProductView()
        var url = Application.Current.Host.Source.GetComponents(UriComponents.Scheme | UriComponents.HostAndPort,
        _conn = new HubConnection(url);
        _hub = _conn.CreateHubProxy("SilverlightPrism.Mvc.Services.ProductHub");
        _hub.On<string>("NewMessage", message => Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => DoAddItem(message) ));

    private void DoAddItem(string item)
        var product = DeserializeToProduct(item);

    private void buttonAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Random random = new Random();
        var id = Guid.NewGuid();
        var product = new Product
                Price = random.Next(1000,100000),
                ProdId = id,
                ProdName = "New prod."
        var jsonMessage = SerializeToJsonString(product);
        _hub.Invoke("SendMessage", jsonMessage);

It is throwing the exception on _hub.Invoke(); 它在_hub.Invoke()上抛出异常;

How do I correctly get the hub connect and send a message? 如何正确连接集线器并发送消息?

HubConnection.Start is asynchronous. HubConnection.Start是异步的。 You cannot call Start right before Invoke because your HubConnection is probably still in the Connecting state. 您无法在Invoke之前Invoke Start ,因为您的HubConnection可能仍处于Connecting状态。

You need to wait for the Task returned from Start to complete before you can call IHubProxy.Invoke . 您需要等待从Start返回的Task完成,然后才能调用IHubProxy.Invoke You can use await (or Task.ContinueWith if you aren't running .NET 4.5) to ensure Start finishes before you enable buttonAdd . 您可以使用await (如果您没有运行.NET 4.5,则使用Task.ContinueWith )以确保在启用buttonAdd之前Start完成。

You could also create your AddProductView object asynchronously in a factory method. 您还可以在工厂方法中异步创建AddProductView对象。 Instead of calling HubConnection.Start in the constructor, you could do it in a static Task<AddProductView> CreateAddProductView() method. 您可以在静态Task<AddProductView> CreateAddProductView()方法中执行此操作,而不是在构造函数中调用HubConnection.Start

Alternatively, if you don't care about the creation of your AddProductView being asynchronous, you can just call Start synchronously: 或者,如果您不关心AddProductView的创建是异步的,您只需同步调用Start


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