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搜索结果显示在Internet Explorer 9及更低版本中的最下方页面

[英]Search results displaying far down page in Internet Explorer 9 and below

I built a fairly simple site using PHP and Javascript to return a table full of search results but for some reason my table full of search results is returned about 2 pages down in Internet Explorer 9 and below. 我使用PHP和Javascript构建了一个相当简单的站点,以返回一个充满搜索结果的表,但是由于某种原因,在Internet Explorer 9及更低版本中,我的充满搜索结果的表返回了大约2页。 The results look good in modern browsers including mobile. 在包括移动设备在内的现代浏览器中,结果看起来都不错。 I've found that the distance down the page where the results are pushed is proportional to the number of results returned. 我发现,向下推送结果的页面的距离与返回结果的数量成正比。 Also, if thousands of results are returned I'm able to pan over on an Android tablet to blank white space, where normally the width is fixed. 另外,如果返回了数千个结果,我可以在Android平板电脑上平移到空白区域,通常宽度是固定的。

            <table width='100%' class="table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed">

            <colgroup width='18%'/>
            <colgroup id='colgroup' class='colgroup' align='center'
                    valign='middle' title='title' width='1*' span='3' />

                    <th>Project Title</th>
                    <th>Sheet Title</th>
                    <th>Drawing Date</th>



            // gets value sent over search form
            $locnum = $_GET['locnum']; 
            $drawnum = $_GET['drawnum']; 
            $projttitle = $_GET['projtitle']; 
            $shttitle = $_GET['shttitle']; 
            $shtnum = $_GET['shtnum']; 
            $discp = $_GET['discp']; 
            $drawdate = $_GET['drawdate']; 

            //set minimum query length
            $min_length = 2;

            // if query length is more or equal minimum length then 
            if(strlen($locnum) OR strlen($drawnum) OR strlen($projttitle) OR strlen($shttitle) OR strlen($shtnum) OR strlen($discp) OR strlen($drawdate) >= $min_length){ // if query length is more or equal minimum length then

                // changes characters used in html to their equivalents, for example: < to &gt;
                $locnum = htmlspecialchars($locnum); 
                $drawnum = htmlspecialchars($drawnum); 
                $projttitle = htmlspecialchars($projttitle); 
                $shttitle = htmlspecialchars($shttitle); 
                $shtnum = htmlspecialchars($shtnum); 
                $discp = htmlspecialchars($discp); 
                $drawdate = htmlspecialchars($drawdate); 

                // makes sure nobody uses SQL injection
                //mysql_real_escape_string is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0 and will be removed in the future
                $locnum = mysql_real_escape_string($locnum);
                $drawnum = mysql_real_escape_string($drawnum);
                $projttitle = mysql_real_escape_string($projttitle);
                $shttitle = mysql_real_escape_string($shttitle);
                $shtnum = mysql_real_escape_string($shtnum);
                $discp = mysql_real_escape_string($discp);
                $drawdate = mysql_real_escape_string($drawdate);

                //this query isn't perfect...ideally Location Number would be an exact match rather than containing the variable, but if I make that change, it becomes impossible to search on the other fields while $locnum is blank     
                $raw_results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM draw
                    WHERE (`LocationNumber` LIKE '".$locnum."%' && `DrawingNumber` LIKE '%".$drawnum."%' && `ProjectTitle` LIKE '%".$projttitle."%' && `SheetTitle` LIKE '%".$shttitle."%' && `SheetNumber` LIKE '%".$shtnum."%' && `Discipline` LIKE '%".$discp."%' && `DrawingDate` >= '".$drawdate."%') ORDER BY LocationNumber, DrawingNumber, Discipline, SheetNumber") or die(mysql_error());
                    //ORDER BY LocationNumber, DrawingNumber, Discipline

                //'%$locnum%' has wildcards built in
                //if you want exact match use `field`='$locnum'
                // or if you want to match just full word use '% $locnum %' ...OR ... '$locnum %' ... OR ... '% $locnum'

                //Number of results 
                echo "<p><b>".mysql_num_rows($raw_results)." results"."</b>";

                //Sort order dropdown
                    "&nbsp Click any table heading <b>to sort</b> search results. <b>To save</b> a PDF, right-click link and choose Save-As or similar.</p>";

                //begin while loop
                if(mysql_num_rows($raw_results) > 0){ // if one or more rows are returned do following

                    while($results = mysql_fetch_array($raw_results)){
                    // $results = mysql_fetch_array($raw_results) puts data from database into array, while it's valid it does the loop

        //I need to replace all "\" in the 'Path' field with "/".  The hyperlink works fine in Chrome but not Firefox...haven't tried IE yet               
          echo "<tr>"."<td><b>"."<a href= http://facilities.ucsb.edu/_client/pdf/atlas/drawings/".$results['Path'].">".$results['LocationNumber']." - ".$results['DrawingNumber'].", ".$results['SheetNumber'].", ".substr($results['Discipline'],0,4)." </a></b></td>&nbsp&nbsp<td>".$results['ProjectTitle']."</td><td>".$results['SheetTitle']."</td><td>".substr($results['DrawingDate'],0,10)."</td></tr>";
                        // posts results gotten from database(title and text) you can also show id ($results['id'])


                else{ // if there is no matching rows do following
                    echo "No results";


            else{ // if query length is less than minimum
                echo "Minimum search length is ".$min_length;

                <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
                <script src="js/jquery.sortElements.js"></script>
                    var th = jQuery('th'),
                        li = jQuery('li'),
                        inverse = false;


                        var header = $(this),
                            index = header.index();

                                return $(this).index() === index;
                            .sortElements(function(a, b){

                                a = $(a).text();
                                b = $(b).text();

                                return (
                                    isNaN(a) || isNaN(b) ?
                                        a > b : +a > +b
                                    ) ?
                                        inverse ? -1 : 1 :
                                        inverse ? 1 : -1;

                            }, function(){
                                return this.parentNode;

                        inverse = !inverse;


                        li.sortElements(function(a, b){
                            return $(a).text() > $(b).text() ? 1 : -1;

Any advice on how I can make this compatible with at least IE9? 关于如何使它至少与IE9兼容的任何建议?

I think the problem is most likely that you have a <div> with some contents ("Click to sort" etc) as a direct child (the first child) of your <tbody> , which is not valid and which I can imagine makes IE9 freak out. 我认为问题很可能是您有一个<div>作为其<tbody>的直接子代(第一个子代)的某些内容(“单击排序”等),这是无效的,并且我可以想象得出IE9吓坏了。 You also have </td>&nbsp;&nbsp;<td> in the middle of the table which could be problematic. 您还可以在表格中间找到</td>&nbsp;&nbsp;<td> Try removing those and moving that div to outside of the table or putting it inside <tr><td></td></tr> and see if the layout improves. 尝试删除这些div并将该div移到表的外部或将其放在<tr><td></td></tr> ,看看布局是否有所改善。

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