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ASP.NET AjaxControlToolKit手风琴通过javascript设置活动窗格

[英]ASP.NET AjaxControlToolKit Accordion set active pane via javascript

I would like to be able to change the active pane of an accordion using javascript. 我希望能够使用javascript来更改手风琴的活动窗格。

I see a behavior set_SelectedIndex but I can not seem to get it to work. 我看到了一个行为set_SelectedIndex,但似乎无法使其正常工作。

How can I find out what the supported methods are for this control? 如何找到此控件支持的方法?

How can I set the selected index from the page? 如何设置页面上的选定索引?

I found a comment on this blogpost http://disturbedbuddha.wordpress.com/2007/11/30/selecting-an-ajax-accordionpane-by-id/ which showed me how to use Accordion.AccordionBehavior.set_SelectedIndex(index);. 我在此博客文章http://disturbedbuddha.wordpress.com/2007/11/30/selecting-an-ajax-accordionpane-by-id/上找到了一条评论,该评论向我展示了如何使用Accordion.AccordionBehavior.set_SelectedIndex(index); 。

I am outputting a startup script from the codebehind of variables with the paneIds prefaces with a code and their index. 我正在从带有代码和它们的索引的paneIds序言的变量的代码背后输出启动脚本。 This allows me to set the active pane by id. 这使我可以通过ID设置活动窗格。

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