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[英]Finding in a list that contains an attribute of an object

I'm trying to find which items in my list fill a certain criteria. 我正在尝试查找列表中的哪些项目符合特定条件。

I have a List<Employee> , and each Employee has a List<Role> attribute. 我有一个List<Employee> ,每个Employee都有一个List<Role>属性。 Each Role has an ID as an attribute. 每个Role都有一个ID作为属性。 I'm trying to find all Employee s that have a certain Role ID in the list. 我正在尝试查找列表中具有特定Role ID所有Employee Here is my non-working sample: 这是我的无效示例:

var query = EmployeeList.Where(employee=> employee.Roles.Contains(role => role.ID == roleID)).ToList();

Use Enumerable.Any 使用Enumerable.Any

var query = EmployeeList.Where(employee => employee.Roles
                                                   .Any(role => role.Id == roleID))

You can just change your Contains to Any (as you're just checking whether any of the roles of the employee matches your condition): 您可以将“ Contains更改为“ Any (因为您只是在检查员工的任何角色是否符合您的条件):

var query = EmployeeList.Where(employee => employee.Roles
                                                 .Any(role => role.ID == roleID))

Note that this won't be a terribly efficient approach - every employee has to be checked, and every role of every employee. 请注意,这并不是一种非常有效的方法-必须检查每个员工,以及每个员工的每个角色。 If you need to do this often with the same set of employees but different role IDs, you could build a lookup from role ID to employees: 如果需要经常使用相同的一组雇员但使用不同的角色ID来执行此操作,则可以从角色ID到雇员进行查找:

var lookup = EmployeeList.SelectMany(e => e.Roles,
                                     (e, r) => new { Employee = e, Role = e })
                         .ToLookup(pair => pair.Role.ID,
                                   pair => pair.Employee);

You can then just use: 然后,您可以使用:

foreach (var employee in lookup[roleID])

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