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[英]Insert Data vertically into temp table using cursor

As above mentioned. 如上所述。 I have created 2 temp tables in SQL and need to insert vertically to complete all columns but as I understand, you can only insert data horizontally? 我已经在SQL中创建了2个临时表,需要垂直插入才能完成所有列,但是据我了解,您只能水平插入数据吗?

Is there a way around this? 有没有解决的办法?

Example : 范例:

ForgeinKey  |  Q1  |  Q2  |  Q3  |  Q4  |  Q5  | 
   1234     |    1 |     1|    0 |    2 |     0|
   1235     |    0 |     2|    1 |    2 |     0|
   1236     |    2 |     2|    0 |    0 |     1|

What I presume what would happen is something like this: 我认为会发生以下情况:

ForgeinKey  |  Q1  |  Q2  |  Q3  |  Q4  |  Q5 |
   1234     | 1    |NULL  | NULL |  NULL| NULL|
   1234     |NULL  | 1    | NULL |  NULL| NULL|
   1234     |NULL  |NULL  |  0   |  NULL| NULL|
   1234     |NULL  |NULL  | NULL |    2 | NULL|
   1234     |NULL  |NULL  | NULL |  NULL|   0 |      (etc)

Currently I have all data in the first couple of coloumns of my temp table(2) but after that I have 22 coloumns which I should populate with data from another temp table(1). 目前,我的临时表(2)的前几列中都有所有数据,但此后我有22列,应该用另一个临时表(1)中的数据填充。

In temp table(1) I have all data displaying horizontally : 在临时表(1)中,所有数据都水平显示:

Answers  |  Questions  |  ForeignKey
   1     |      Q1     |       1234     
   1     |      Q2     |       1234  
   0     |      Q3     |       1234  
   2     |      Q4     |       1234  
   0     |      Q5     |       1234  

As illustrated above, I need temp table(1) to populate temp table(2) vertically using the foreign key to identify rows: 如上所示,我需要临时表(1)才能使用外键识别行以垂直填充临时表(2):

ForgeinKey  |  Q1  |  Q2  |  Q3  |  Q4  |  Q5|
   1234     |    1 |     1|    0 |     2|   0|
   1235     |    0 |     2|    1 |     2|   0|
   1236     |    2 |     2|    0 |     0|   1|

This is the code I am currently using with solution from bluefeet: 这是我目前与bluefeet解决方案一起使用的代码:


--Temp Table 1 (Answers)
DECLARE @AnswersTempTable TABLE
    tblManagerSpotCheckAnswer_ID    bigint, 
    lManagerSpotCheck_ID            bigint, 
    lManagersSpotCheckQuestion_ID   bigint, 
    lManagersSpotCheckAnswer        int, 
    sDescription                    varchar(100)

INSERT INTO @AnswersTempTable
SELECT     tblManagerSpotCheckAnswers.tblManagerSpotCheckAnswer_ID,           tblManagerSpotCheckAnswers.lManagerSpotCheck_ID, 
                  tblManagerSpotCheckAnswers.lManagersSpotCheckQuestion_ID,   tblManagerSpotCheckAnswers.lManagersSpotCheckAnswer, 
FROM         tblManagerSpotCheckAnswers INNER JOIN
                      tblManagerSpotChecks ON   tblManagerSpotCheckAnswers.lManagerSpotCheck_ID = tblManagerSpotChecks.lManagerSpotCheck_ID     INNER JOIN
                      tblManagerSpotCheckQuestions ON 
                      tblManagerSpotCheckAnswers.lManagersSpotCheckQuestion_ID = tblManagerSpotCheckQuestions.lManagersSpotCheckQuestion_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      tblCallDiary ON tblManagerSpotChecks.lCallDiary_ID = tblCallDiary.lCallDiary_ID
WHERE     (tblCallDiary.lCycle_ID = @lCycle_ID) AND (tblManagerSpotChecks.lRMStaff_ID = @Staff_ID)
ORDER BY tblManagerSpotChecks.lManagerSpotCheck_ID

--SELECT * FROM @AnswersTempTable

--Temp Table 2 (Results) -温度表2(结果)

DECLARE @ResultTempTable    TABLE
    Completed_Date          date, 
    Call_Date               date,
    Outlet                  varchar(100), 
    Channel_Manager         varchar(100), 
    Area                    varchar(100), 
    TE                      varchar(100), 
    Spot_Checker            varchar(100), 
    lChannel_ID             bigint, 
    lManagerSpotCheck_ID    bigint,
    lCycle_ID               int,
    All_Handsets_displayed  int,
    All_Starter_Packs_displayed int,
    Handset_stock_rotated   int,
    Starter_Pack_stock_rotated  int,
    All_Handsets_priced_correctly   int,
    All_Starter_Packs_priced_correctly  int,
    All_Handsets_Starter_Packs_Orders_Checked   int,
    Stock_order_placed  int,
    Minimum_Handset_stock_in_store  int,
    Minimum_Starter_Pack_stock_in_store int,
    Latest_Deal_Generic_poster_on_display   int,
    Branding_as_per_Planogram   int,
    Sufficient_Contract_Forms   int,
    Sufficient_Brochures_in_store   int,
    Kiosk_functional    int,
    Cycle_Objective_Training    int,
    All_staff_trained_on_all_modules    int,
    Closed_group_training_session_booked    int,
    Outlet_is_able_to_RICA_8ta_starter_packs    int,
    All_OBF_Repairs_actioned    int,
    TE_Known_to_Store_Manager   int,
    Escalated_Relationship_issues   int

INSERT INTO @ResultTempTable(Completed_Date, Call_Date, Outlet, Channel_Manager, Area,  TE, Spot_Checker, lChannel_ID, lManagerSpotCheck_ID, lCycle_ID)
                      tblManagerSpotChecks.dDateCaptured AS [Completed Date], tblManagerSpotChecks.dCallDate AS [Call Date], tblSites.sSitename AS Outlet, 
                      tblChannel.sChannelManager AS [Channel Manager], PC_Location.sDescription AS Area, tblStaff_1.sNameSurname AS TE, tblStaff.sNameSurname AS [Spot Checker], 
                      tblChannel.lChannel_ID, tblManagerSpotChecks.lManagerSpotCheck_ID, tblCallDiary.lCycle_ID
        FROM         tblCallDiary LEFT OUTER JOIN
                              tblStaff AS tblStaff_1 ON tblCallDiary.lStaff_ID = tblStaff_1.lStaff_ID RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                              tblChannel RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                              PC_Location RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                              tblSites ON PC_Location.lPC_Location_ID = tblSites.lPC_Location_ID ON tblChannel.lChannel_ID = tblSites.lChannel_ID RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                              tblManagerSpotCheckQuestions RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                              tblManagerSpotCheckAnswers RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                              tblStaff RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                              tblManagerSpotChecks ON tblStaff.lStaff_ID = tblManagerSpotChecks.lRMStaff_ID ON 
                              tblManagerSpotCheckAnswers.lManagerSpotCheck_ID = tblManagerSpotChecks.lManagerSpotCheck_ID ON 
                              tblManagerSpotCheckQuestions.lManagersSpotCheckQuestion_ID = tblManagerSpotCheckAnswers.lManagersSpotCheckQuestion_ID ON 
                              tblSites.lSites_ID = tblManagerSpotChecks.lSite_ID ON tblCallDiary.lSite_ID = tblSites.lSites_ID
        WHERE     (tblManagerSpotChecks.dDateCaptured IS NOT NULL) AND (tblStaff.lStaff_ID = @Staff_ID) AND 
                              (tblCallDiary.lCycle_ID = @lCycle_ID)
        ORDER BY tblManagerSpotChecks.lManagerSpotCheck_ID

--SELECT * FROM @ResultTempTable

--SOLUTION FROM bluefeet
SELECT      Completed_Date           

        SELECT      tblManagerSpotCheckAnswer_ID     
        FROM    @AnswersTempTable       

    ) src
        FOR lManagersSpotCheckQuestion_ID IN    (           All_Handsets_displayed  

END 结束

I still get errors when doing this. 这样做时我仍然会收到错误消息。

Your question is not entirely clear but you can apply the UNPIVOT function to transform data from columns into rows or the PIVOT function to transform rows into columns. 您的问题尚不完全清楚,但是您可以应用UNPIVOT函数将数据从列转换为行,或者应用PIVOT函数将行转换为列。

Once the data gets in the format that you need you can INSERT it as needed. 一旦数据以所需的格式获取,您就可以根据需要INSERT它。


select ForeignKey, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5
  select ForeignKey, questions, answers
  from table1
) src
  for questions in (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5)
) piv;

UNPIVOT: 志愿人员:

select ForgeinKey, questions, answers
from table2
  for questions in (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5)
) unpiv

See SQL Fiddle with Demo of both versions 参见带有两个版本的演示SQL Fiddle

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