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[英]Unit testing AngularJS directives

How can I unit test my directive? 我如何对我的指令进行单元测试?

What I have is 我拥有的是什么

    directive('range', function() {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            replace: true,
            scope: {
                bindLow: '=',
                bindHigh: '=',
                min: '@',
                max: '@'
        template: '<div><select ng-options="n for n in [min, max] | range" ng-model="bindLow"></select><select ng-options="n for n in [min, max] | range" ng-model="bindHigh"></select></div>'

In my unit test I want to start with a very simple test 在我的单元测试中,我想从一个非常简单的测试开始

describe('Range control', function () {
    var elm, scope;

    beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope) {
        elm = angular.element('<range min="1" max="20" bind-low="low" bind-high="high"></range>');

        var scope = _$rootScope_;
        scope.low = 1;
        scope.high = 20;

    it('should render two select elements', function() {
        var selects = elm.find('select');


This doesn't work though as the directive is registered on the app module and I don't want to include the module as that will make all of my config and run code run. 这不起作用,因为该指令在app模块上注册,我不想包含该模块,因为这将使我的所有configrun代码运行。 That would defeat the purpose of testing the directive as a separate unit. 这将破坏将指令作为一个单独的单元进行测试的目的。

Am I supposed to put all my directives in a separate module and load just that? 我是否应该将所有指令放在一个单独的模块中并加载它? Or is there any other clever way of solving this? 还是有其他聪明的方法来解决这个问题吗?

EDIT: I see the question has changed since my last answer. 编辑:自从我上次回答以来,我发现问题已经改变了。

You need to put your directive in an independant module. 您需要将您的指令放在一个独立的模块中。

For example: 例如:


To test only that module you may load that module explicitly in the test like this: 要仅测试该模块,您可以在测试中显式加载该模块,如下所示:


This will load that module and all its dependancies. 这将加载该模块及其所有依赖项。

Remember to state the directive module as a dependancy in your MyModule definition in your app: 请记住在应用程序的MyModule定义中将指令模块声明为依赖:

angular.module('MyModule', ['MyModule.directives', ...]);

You should declare all your directives in 'youapp.directives' module and include that module in your directive tests. 您应该在'youapp.directives'模块中声明所有指令,并在指令测试中包含该模块。

In your app.js 在你的app.js中

angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.controllers', 'myApp.directives', 'myApp.services', 'myApp.filters']).config(...)

In your directives.js 在你的directives.js中

angular.module('myApp.directives', []) .directive(.....)

Finally your directivesSpec.js 最后你的指令规范.js

describe('directives specs', function() {

    describe('range', function() {

The angular-seed project https://github.com/angular/angular-seed seems to have the opinion that directives should go in their own module that is then a dependency of the base app module. angular-seed项目https://github.com/angular/angular-seed似乎认为指令应该放在他们自己的模块中,然后是基础应用程序模块的依赖项。

So the directives go in a module called "myApp.directives" : 因此指令进入名为“myApp.directives”的模块:

angular.module('myApp.directives', []).
  directive('appVersion', ['version', function(version) {
    return function(scope, elm, attrs) {

And then the base app module add the directive module as a depenency 然后基础应用程序模块将指令模块添加为依赖性

// Declare app level module which depends on filters, and services
angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.filters', 'myApp.services', 'myApp.directives']).
  config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
    $routeProvider.when('/view1', {templateUrl: 'partials/partial1.html', controller: MyCtrl1});
    $routeProvider.when('/view2', {templateUrl: 'partials/partial2.html', controller: MyCtrl2});
    $routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/view1'});

So then their test example just depends on the directive module 那么他们的测试示例只取决于指令模块

describe('directives', function() {

I haven't actually tried this with your or my code yet but it looks like you were mostly looking for most common practice guidance. 我还没有用你或我的代码尝试这个,但看起来你主要是寻找最常见的练习指导。

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