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[英]Where I can download java-x86-windows.dll

I wanted to use Java_Bridge to use my java class in php file. 我想使用Java_Bridge在php文件中使用我的java类。 But, for installing javabridge in my windows system i need java-x86-windows.dll which am unable to find. 但是,要在Windows系统中安装javabridge,我需要无法找到的java-x86-windows.dll Where can i get this java-x86-windows.dll and is there any other method to call java functions form a php file? 我在哪里可以得到这个java-x86-windows.dll,还有其他方法可以从一个php文件中调用Java函数吗?

You can download it from this site or you may try on sourceforge 您可以从此站点下载它,也可以尝试使用sourceforge

The PHP/Java Bridge is an implementation of a streaming, XML-based network protocol, which can be used to connect a native script engine, for example PHP, Scheme or Python, with a Java virtual machine. PHP / Java Bridge是基于XML的流网络协议的实现,可用于将本机脚本引擎(例如PHP,Scheme或Python)与Java虚拟机连接。

Another option is to use the Zend Server implementation of the Java/PHP bridge, I have used this in a production environment and its is very good. 另一个选择是使用Java / PHP桥的Zend Server实现,我在生产环境中使用了它,它非常好。 It doesn't require a Java server such as tomcat and provides a full PHP stack (apache, PHP and MySQL) reducing complexity (less moving parts). 它不需要诸如tomcat之类的Java服务器,并提供了完整的PHP堆栈(Apache,PHP和MySQL),从而降低了复杂性(减少了移动部分)。 You can get here: 您可以到达这里:

http://www.zend.com/en/products/server/free-edition http://www.zend.com/cn/products/server/free-edition

Remember that you will have to add your jars to the Zend classpath in the watchdog-jb.ini file using the appropriate path delimiter for your OS (; for windows, and : for linux) and restart the server. 请记住,您将必须使用适用于您的OS的适当路径分隔符(对于Windows,对于Windows,对于Linux::)将jars添加到watchdog-jb.ini文件中的Zend类路径中,然后重新启动服务器。 You can then call your classes by: 然后,您可以通过以下方式调用课程:

$myClass = new Java("com.someclass", $data); //Your constructor

It is very similar to the sourceforge version from then onwards. 从那时起,它与sourceforge版本非常相似。 Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

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