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Windows Phone中的“文件打开”对话框

[英]File Open Dialog in windows phone

I am developing windows phone application and I need text file import facility in the application. 我正在开发Windows Phone应用程序,并且需要在应用程序中导入文本文件。 Now what I need is to open file explorer as in windows desktop application or like html file control. 现在,我需要像在Windows桌面应用程序中一样打开文件资源管理器,或者像html文件控件一样打开文件资源管理器。

I have googled with each and every possible ways but do not find a solution. 我已经用各种可能的方法进行搜索,但是没有找到解决方案。

Your application is sandboxed, and only has access to data within your folders - so you can't browse to a file. 您的应用程序已被沙箱化,并且只能访问文件夹中的数据-因此您无法浏览到文件。 You can only read files you deploy with your application, or write to isolated storage. 您只能读取与应用程序一起部署的文件,或写入隔离的存储。

Alternately you could download a file from Skydrive 您也可以从Skydrive下载文件

You are not allowed to browse for files in a WP application. 您不允许在WP应用程序中浏览文件。 There is no file browser supported! 不支持文件浏览器!

You can only access the file stored in the IsolatedStorage of your application. 您只能访问存储在应用程序的IsolatedStorage中的文件。 For that you will need to create a file browser yourself which will only give access to files in the Isolated Storage. 为此,您将需要自己创建一个文件浏览器,该浏览器仅允许访问隔离存储中的文件。

You can also read files stored on the SD card, but only if you registered your app to manage a specific extension. 您还可以读取SD卡上存储的文件,但前提是您注册了应用程序以管理特定扩展名。 Txt files are not supported, since they are registered by the OS and can't be replaced. 不支持Txt文件,因为它们是由操作系统注册的,无法替换。

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