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[英]Why is my anchor tags not working properly?

So I went ahead an answered my own question and created a TOC, which works, it spits out everything I wanted, accept the anchor tags don't work. 因此,我回答了我自己的问题,并创建了一个TOC,该TOC可以运行,吐出我想要的所有内容,接受锚标签不起作用。 it will not jump down the page to where the appropriate h1-6 tags are. 它不会将页面跳到适当的h1-6标签所在的位置。

I have the following php: 我有以下php:

public function table_of_contents(&$content, $HeaderParameter){
    //Creat Empty variables
    $HeaderNums = "";
    $ContentLink = "";
    $IndentLast = 1;
    //Creates a single string of header identifier. eg: "1234"
    foreach($HeaderParameter as $Num){
        $HeaderNums.= $Num;
    //Setup header to search for our headers specified by user
    if (preg_match_all('/<h(['.$HeaderNums.'])(.*?)>(.*?)(<\/h['.$HeaderNums.']>)/', $content, $Result)){
        // Start Table
        $ContentLink.="<ul id='TB_UL'>";
        // Go through each result and add to our list
        foreach ($Result[0] as $key => $title){
            //Get header text
            $HeaderText = strip_tags($Result[0][$key]);
            // If user assign an ID then get it so that we can add our on
            $TagIdRegexOutput = split('"',$Result[2][$key]);
            // Check if user has already set an id, if so use theres
                $TagRef = $TagIdRegexOutput[1];
                $TagRef = $HeaderText;
            //Set a level.
            $IndentPosCurrent = $Result[1][$key];
            //Create link to header
            $ContentLink.='<li class="TB_Level' . $Result[1][$key] .'"><a class="TB_Link" href="#'.$TagRef.'">'.$HeaderText.'</a>'.'</li>';
            // Create header tag
            $HeaderTag = "h".$Result[1][$key];
            // Replace header in content with our assign id
            $content = str_replace($Result[0][$key], "<$HeaderTag"." id='$TagRef' ".">$HeaderText</$HeaderTag>", $content);
        // End List
        $ContentLink.="</ul> <!-- TB_Main-->";
    echo $ContentLink;      

Which spits out html like such: 像这样吐出html:

<ul id="TB_UL">
    <li class="TB_Level1"><a class="TB_Link" href="#Test">Test</a></li>
    <li class="TB_Level2"><a class="TB_Link" href="#More Test">More Test</a></li>

The #Test and #More Test are: <h1>Test</h1> and <h2>More Test</h2> #Test和#More测试是: <h1>Test</h1><h2>More Test</h2>

Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

Either add an anchor tag to the correct position in the HTML or use id s: 将锚标记添加到HTML中的正确位置,或使用id

Anchor: 锚:

<h1><a name="Test">Test</a></h1>


<h1 id="Test">Test</h1>

EDIT: I would suggest the second approach, as I believe the name attribute is no longer valid for anchor tags in HTML5: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/obsolete.html#obsolete-but-conforming-features (thanks to @Alohci for providing the link below). 编辑:我建议第二种方法,因为我认为name属性对于HTML5中的锚标记不再有效: http : //www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/obsolete.html#obsolete -but -conforming-features (感谢@Alohci提供下面的链接)。 On the other hand, if you have to support a lot of users on REALLY old browsers, the first one is preferable. 另一方面,如果您必须在真正的旧浏览器上支持很多用户,则最好使用第一个。

# -links go to an anchor tag: # -链接转到锚标记:

<a name="Test">Anchor</a>
<a href="#Test">Go to Anchor</a>

You don't have any in that output. 该输出中没有任何内容。

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