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使用 System.Web.Optimization 时如何将 type="text/javascript" 添加到脚本标记

[英]How do I add type=“text/javascript” to a script tag when using System.Web.Optimization

I have the following我有以下

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/scripts/common").Include(

Which generates其中产生

<script src="/bundles/scripts/common?v=9O0Yi3fV_GWpGyJQ_QYURiOYy6SEmxUQtkUVN4GXo2U1"></script>

When rendered with渲染时

    <asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderJs" runat="server">                
            <%: Scripts.Render("~/bundles/scripts/common") %>

Which is not valid HTML as its missing type="text/javascript".这不是有效的 HTML,因为它缺少 type="text/javascript"。 How do I make the BundleCollection output this element in the script tag?如何让 BundleCollection 在脚本标签中输出这个元素?

One way is to change how you render your scripts:一种方法是更改​​呈现脚本的方式:




<script src="@BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/bundles/scripts/common")" type="text/javascript"></script>

Or depending on how you are implementing bundling, you may need:或者,根据您实施捆绑的方式,您可能需要:

<script src="@Microsoft.Web.Optimization.BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/bundles/scripts/common")" type="text/javascript"></script>

Or for web forms:或者对于网络表单:

<script src="<%= Microsoft.Web.Optimization.BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/bundles/scripts/common")%>" type="text/javascript"></script>

Although if there is a way to do it using @Script.Render I'd like to see it.虽然如果有办法使用 @Script.Render 来做到这一点,我想看看它。

UPDATE: in response to your comments, as specified in this SO answer , in the pre-release version of System.Web.Optimization , there is an option called RenderFormat that will let you do this as well... but I think the stuff above is easier to read for this particular case.更新:为了回应你的评论,正如在这个 SO answer 中所指定的那样,在System.Web.Optimization的预发布版本中,有一个名为RenderFormat的选项也可以让你这样做......但我认为这些东西对于这种特殊情况,上面更容易阅读。

I believe the answer marked is not correct for type="text/css" , it is correct for JavaScript (maybe the question title is misleading?).我相信标记的答案对于type="text/css"不正确,对于 JavaScript 是正确的(也许问题标题有误导性?)。 For CSS files you should use对于 CSS 文件,您应该使用


and not @Scripts.Render(...) .不是@Scripts.Render(...) The reason is that minification is done, and only @Styles.Render(...) knows about Cascading Stylesheet syntax, @Scripts.Render(...) is specialized for JavaScript minification.原因是缩小已经完成,只有@Styles.Render(...)知道层叠样式表语法, @Scripts.Render(...)专门用于 JavaScript 缩小。

I have resolved it like that我已经这样解决了

>      bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(
>                             "~/Scripts/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"));

i think you need to replace ~/bundles/scripts/common with ~/bundles/jquery我认为你需要用 ~/bundles/jquery 替换 ~/bundles/scripts/common

I have resolved it like that我已经这样解决了

    new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(

I think you need to replace ~/bundles/scripts/common with ~/bundles/jquery我认为你需要用~/bundles/jquery替换~/bundles/scripts/common

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