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force_ssl 在 Rails 中有什么作用?

[英]What does force_ssl do in Rails?

In a previous question I found out that I should be setting nginx ssl termination and not having Rails process encrypted data.在上一个问题中,我发现我应该设置 nginx ssl 终止,而不是让 Rails 处理加密数据。

Then why does the following exist?那么为什么会存在以下情况呢?

config.force_ssl = true

I see this commented out in the production config file.我看到这在生产配置文件中被注释掉了。 But if the expectation is that nginx will handle all the ssl stuff so that my rails app doesn't deal with encrypted data then what does config.force_ssl = true do?但是,如果期望 nginx 将处理所有 ssl 内容,以便我的 Rails 应用程序不处理加密数据,那么config.force_ssl = true做什么?

Should I leave it commented out in production if I know I will always be using nginx?如果我知道我将一直使用 nginx,我应该在生产中将其注释掉吗?

It doesn't just force your browser to redirect HTTP to HTTPS.它不只是强制您的浏览器将 HTTP 重定向到 HTTPS。 It also sets your cookies to be marked "secure", and it enables HSTS , each of which are very good protections against SSL stripping.它还会将您的 cookie 设置为标记为“安全”,并启用HSTS ,每个都是针对 SSL 剥离的非常好的保护。

Even though HTTPS protects your app at " https://example.com/yourapp " against MITM attacks, if someone gets between your client and your server they can rather easily get you to visit " http://example.com/yourapp ".尽管 HTTPS 保护“ https://example.com/yourapp ”上的应用程序免受 MITM 攻击,但如果有人在您的客户端和您的服务器之间进入,他们可以很容易地让您访问“ http://example.com/yourapp ” . With neither of the above protections, your browser will happily send the session cookie to the person doing the MITM.如果没有上述保护措施,您的浏览器将很乐意将会话 cookie 发送给执行 MITM 的人。

Setting config.force_ssl includes ActionDispatch::SSL .设置config.force_ssl包括ActionDispatch::SSL The ActionDispatch::SSL docs describe the functionality as follows (emphases added for clarity): ActionDispatch::SSL文档对功能的描述如下(为清楚起见添加了重点):

See the includes here and the docs for ActionDispatch::SSL here .请参阅包括在这里和ActionDispatch :: SSL的文档在这里


This middleware is added to the stack when config.force_ssl = true , and is passed the options set in config.ssl_options .config.force_ssl = true ,这个中间件被添加到堆栈中,并传递在config.ssl_options设置的选项。 It does three jobs to enforce secure HTTP requests:它执行三项工作来强制执行安全的 HTTP 请求:

  1. TLS redirect: Permanently redirects http:// requests to https:// with the same URL host, path, etc. Enabled by default. TLS 重定向:将 http:// 请求永久重定向到具有相同 URL 主机、路径等的https:// 。默认启用。 Set config.ssl_options to modify the destination URL (eg redirect: { host: "secure.widgets.com", port: 8080 } ), or set redirect: false to disable this feature.设置config.ssl_options以修改目标 URL(例如redirect: { host: "secure.widgets.com", port: 8080 } ),或设置redirect: false以禁用此功能。

  2. Secure cookies: Sets the secure flag on cookies to tell browsers they mustn't be sent along with http:// requests.安全 cookie:在 cookie 上设置secure标志以告诉浏览器它们不能与 http:// 请求一起发送。 Enabled by default.默认启用。 Set config.ssl_options with secure_cookies: false to disable this feature.config.ssl_options设置为secure_cookies: false以禁用此功能。

  3. HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS): Tells the browser to remember this site as TLS-only and automatically redirect non-TLS requests . HTTP 严格传输安全 (HSTS):告诉浏览器将此站点记住为仅 TLS 并自动重定向非 TLS 请求 Enabled by default.默认启用。 Configure config.ssl_options with hsts: false to disable.使用hsts: false配置config.ssl_options以禁用。 Set config.ssl_options with hsts: { … } to configure HSTS:使用hsts: { … }设置config.ssl_options以配置 HSTS:

    • expires : How long, in seconds, these settings will stick. expires :这些设置会坚持多久,以秒为单位。 Defaults to 180.days (recommended).默认为180.days (推荐)。 The minimum required to qualify for browser preload lists is 18.weeks .获得浏览器预加载列表资格的最低要求是18.weeks
    • subdomains : Set to true to tell the browser to apply these settings to all subdomains. subdomains :设置为true以告诉浏览器将这些设置应用于所有子域。 This protects your cookies from interception by a vulnerable site on a subdomain.这可以保护您的 cookie 免受子域上易受攻击的站点的拦截。 Defaults to true .默认为true
    • preload : Advertise that this site may be included in browsers' preloaded HSTS lists. preload :宣传此站点可能包含在浏览器的预加载 HSTS 列表中。 HSTS protects your site on every visit except the first visit since it hasn't seen your HSTS header yet. HSTS 会在每次访问时保护您的站点,除了第一次访问,因为它还没有看到您的 HSTS 标头。 To close this gap, browser vendors include a baked-in list of HSTS-enabled sites.为了弥补这一差距,浏览器供应商提供了一个支持 HSTS 的站点的内置列表。 Go to https://hstspreload.appspot.com to submit your site for inclusion.转至https://hstspreload.appspot.com提交您的网站以供收录。 To turn off HSTS, omitting the header is not enough.要关闭 HSTS,仅省略标头是不够的。 Browsers will remember the original HSTS directive until it expires.浏览器会记住原始的 HSTS 指令,直到它过期。 Instead, use the header to tell browsers to expire HSTS immediately.相反,使用标头告诉浏览器立即使 HSTS 过期。 Setting hsts: false is a shortcut for hsts: { expires: 0 } .设置hsts: falsehsts: { expires: 0 }的快捷方式。

Requests can opt-out of redirection with exclude :请求可以使用exclude选择退出重定向:

config.ssl_options = { redirect: { exclude: -> request { request.path =~ /healthcheck/ } } }

This setting forces HTTPS by redirecting HTTP requests to their HTTPS counterparts.此设置通过将 HTTP 请求重定向到其对应的 HTTPS 来强制使用 HTTPS。 So a browser visiting http://domain.com/path will be redirected to https://domain.com/path .因此,访问http://domain.com/path的浏览器将被重定向到https://domain.com/path

Leaving the setting commented out would allow both protocols.将设置注释掉将允许两种协议。

You still have to configure your web server to handle HTTPS requests.您仍然需要配置您的 Web 服务器来处理 HTTPS 请求。

It forces all communication with the server to be encrypted and use SSL, ie through HTTPS.它强制与服务器的所有通信都加密并使用 SSL,即通过 HTTPS。

When you include it in a controller that controller will only accept HTTPS requests.当您将它包含在控制器中时,该控制器将只接受 HTTPS 请求。

Helpful links:有用的网址:

  1. http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/ForceSSL/ClassMethods.html http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/ForceSSL/ClassMethods.html
  2. http://rubydoc.info/docs/rails/ActionController/ForceSSL http://rubydoc.info/docs/rails/ActionController/ForceSSL
  3. http://railscasts.com/episodes/270-authentication-in-rails-3-1?view=comments http://railscasts.com/episodes/270-authentication-in-rails-3-1?view=comments

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