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[英]Resize slider images to fit device screen

I'm using bootstrap carousel and want to modify it to always slider fit in window (or any other device). 我正在使用引导传送带,并希望对其进行修改以使其始终适合窗口(或任何其他设备)中的滑块。 here is my solution: 这是我的解决方案:

if imageRatio > winRatio then 如果imageRatio > winRatio然后
stretch images height to it's max
else 其他
stretch images width to it's max

when image ratio is greater than window ratio i add max-height:100%;max-width:none; 当图像比例大于窗口比例时,我添加max-height:100%;max-width:none; to images and when window ratio is greater than image ratio i add max-width: 100%; max-height: none; 对于图像,并且当窗口比率大于图像比率时,我添加max-width: 100%; max-height: none; max-width: 100%; max-height: none;

Long story short, All these things works but somehow when i resize window image ratio and window ratio are equal !! 长话短说,所有这些东西都可以工作,但是当我调整窗口图像比例和窗口比例的大小相等时,所有这些都可以! here is results by `console.log(winRatio, imgRatio); 这是console.log(winRatio,imgRatio)的结果;

1.0709046454767726 1.5051546391752577 /* this is expected results but */
1.1124694376528117 1.1124694376528117 /* when i stop resizing */

my HTML: 我的HTML:

<div class="row-fluid">

    <div id="top-slider" class="carousel slide">
        <!-- Carousel pattern mask -->
        <div class="mask"></div>

        <!-- Carousel items -->
        <div class="carousel-inner">
            <div class="active item"><img src="img/slider/slide01.jpg" alt="Slide 01" /></div>
            <div class="item"><img src="img/slider/slide02.jpg" alt="Slide 02" /></div>
            <div class="item"><img src="img/slider/slide03.jpg" alt="Slide 03" /></div>

        <!-- Carousel nav -->
        <div class="carousel-control">
            <a class="left" href="#top-slider" data-slide="prev"></a>
            <a class="right" href="#top-slider" data-slide="next"></a>

<!-- /site top slider -->

Javascripts: Javascript:

// DOM Ready

    /* strech homepage top slider's slides to fit device screen
    ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    function fitSlider() {
        var wH = $(window).height() - $('#top-header').height();
        var wW = $(window).width();
        var winRatio = wW / wH;
        var imgH = $('#top-slider .carousel-inner').height();
        var imgW = $('#top-slider .carousel-inner').width();
        var imgRatio = imgW / imgH;
        console.log(winRatio, imgRatio);

        $('#top-slider').css('height', wH);

        if ( imgRatio > winRatio )
            $('#top-slider .carousel-inner .item img').addClass('fit-height');
            $('#top-slider .carousel-inner .item img').removeClass('fit-height');

    // On window resized fire this event
    $(window).bind('resize',function() {
        //Update slider
    // On window loaded fire this event
    $(window).load(function() {

The first time your script runs, the size of the image changes. 脚本第一次运行时,图像的大小会更改。 So the next time u fetch it, you will get the size of the image that you have set and not the original initial height. 因此,下次您提取图像时,将获得已设置图像的大小,而不是原始的初始高度。 You must store the initial dimensions of the image in some global variable and compare the window dimensions with them. 您必须将图像的初始尺寸存储在某些全局变量中,然后将窗口尺寸与其进行比较。

Shift these into the window.load function. 将它们移入window.load函数。 And make these variables global. 并使这些变量成为全局变量。

var imgH = $('#top-slider .carousel-inner').height();
var imgW = $('#top-slider .carousel-inner').width();

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