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asp.net页面中的asp.net cs变量

[英]asp.net cs variable in aspx page

Need some help please. 需要一些帮助。 I've got an aspx page with an iframe and I'm trying to pass a variable called 'pageId' from my code behind to it. 我有一个带有iframe的aspx页面,我正试图从我的代码后面传递一个名为'pageId'的变量。 I've looked at various examples on SO and other sites and most suggest to others its a databinding issue and I've followed through some of the examples. 我已经查看了SO和其他网站上的各种示例,并且大多数人向其他人提出了数据绑定问题,并且我已经介绍了一些示例。 Perhaps I can't use a variable like the way Im trying to do in an iframe? 也许我不能像我试图在iframe中那样使用变量?

I've introduced the get/set and public properties, but just a little lost. 我已经介绍了get / set和public属性,但只是有点丢失了。 Anyone help point me in the right diection please? 有人帮我指出正确的饮食吗?

aspx page aspx页面

<iframe width="690" height="600" src="https://myserver.com/Index.php?pageId=<%=pageId%>" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" style="border-width: 0px;"></iframe> 

aspx.cs page aspx.cs页面

protected String pageId { get; set; }

//private string pageId;
//public String pageId { get {return pageId; } }

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string pageId = 'Y2840'; //this is generated from my db and I know the data is being stored in here as I have Response.Write(pageId)   

Your private variable and public property have the same name. 您的私有变量和公共属性具有相同的名称。 Try using a capital P in your property name. 尝试在您的媒体资源名称中使用大写字母P. Also don't declare a new variable pageId in Page_Load. 也不要在Page_Load中声明新的变量pageId。 PageId is blank because you are setting the local Page_Load method variable, and not the class level variable. PageId为空,因为您正在设置本地Page_Load方法变量,而不是类级别变量。

private string pageId;
public string PageId { get {return pageId; } }

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    pageId = 'Y2840';  

In your aspx page: 在您的aspx页面中:


method 1. 方法1。

<iframe runat="server" id="myiframe" width="690" height="600"      
frameborder="0" scrolling="yes"     style="border-width: 0px;"></iframe> 

code-behind: 后台代码:

myiframe.src="https://myserver.com/Index.php?pageId=" + pageId;

method 2. 方法2。

put iframe in formview and give it a datasource. 把iframe放在formview中并给它一个数据源。 Then use your existing code. 然后使用您现有的代码。

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