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[英]Only display one array item at a time (Javascript)

I am trying to essentially create a ticker which shows a single string item taken from an array at a time. 我试图基本上创建一个自动收报机,它显示一次从数组中取出的单个字符串项。 Basically I just want it to show a single item and then transition into the next, my Javascript skills are massively rudimentary (Jquery might be better for this.) 基本上,我只希望它显示一个项目然后过渡到下一个项目,我的Javascript技能非常初级(jQuery可能对此更好)。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

var title= ['Orange', 'Apple', 'Mango', 'Airplane', 'Kiwi'];
for (var i=0; i<title.length; i++){

What do I have to add? 我需要添加什么?

Thanks a bunch! 谢谢你!

Start by learning about document.getElementById and setInterval . 首先学习document.getElementByIdsetInterval

http://jsfiddle.net/wtNhf/ http://jsfiddle.net/wtNhf/


<span id="fruit"></span>

Javascript: 使用Javascript:

var title = ['Orange', 'Apple', 'Mango', 'Airplane', 'Kiwi'];

var i = 0;  // the index of the current item to show

setInterval(function() {            // setInterval makes it run repeatedly
        .innerHTML = title[i++];    // get the item and increment i to move to the next
    if (i == title.length) i = 0;   // reset to first element if you've reached the end
}, 1000);                           // 1000 milliseconds == 1 second

http://jsfiddle.net/3fj9E/1/ http://jsfiddle.net/3fj9E/1/

js JS

 var span = $('span');
 var div = 0;
 var fading_in = function () {
 $(span[div++] || []).fadeIn(500, arguments.callee);
setTimeout(fading_in, 400);

html HTML

 <div id='example'>
 <span>orange </span>
 <span>apple </span>
 <span>kiwi </span>
<span>banana </span>
<span> melon</span>

css CSS

 span {display:none}

I tried to keep it at its simplest 我试着把它保持在最简单的状态


<div id="my_id"></div>

Javascript 使用Javascript

var counter = 0;
var words = ['jaja', 'jojo', 'lol', 'troll', 'pk!'];
var my_div = document.getElementById('my_id');

function next_word()
    my_div.innerHTML = words[counter % words.length];
    counter += 1;

setInterval(next_word, 100);

http://jsfiddle.net/zTLqe/ http://jsfiddle.net/zTLqe/

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