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[英]Function Returned Data Type

I've written a function that will create an Active Directory user based on the supplied parameters. 我编写了一个函数,它将根据提供的参数创建一个Active Directory用户。 The user creates fine; 用户创造美好; however the problem that I'm running into is the returned data from the function. 但是,我遇到的问题是该函数返回的数据。 I'm merely looking to return a boolean response based on if the user was created or not. 我只是想基于是否创建用户返回布尔响应。 Instead, it's passing back an array. 相反,它传回一个数组。

A sample of the function: 函数示例:

    Function CreateUser () {

      Try {
        $UserOU = [ADSI] "LDAP://$LDAPServer/$ParentDN";
        $NewUser = $UserOU.Create("user","cn=$Username");


        $flag = $NewUser.userAccountControl.Value -bxor 65536; #Password Never Expires flag
        $NewUser.userAccountControl = $flag;
        $NewUser.InvokeSet("AccountDisabled","False")  #Enables Account

        return $true;
      Catch {
        return $false;

And I'm calling it using the following syntax: 我使用以下语法来称呼它:

 $CreateUserResults = CreateUser -FirstName $User_FirstName -LastName $User_LastName -EmailAddress $User_EmailAddress -ParentDN $User_ParentOU -Password $User_Password -Username $User_SamAccountName

Any advise or direction would be appreciated. 任何建议或指示,将不胜感激。

Thanks, Ryan 谢谢,瑞安


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