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通过JavaScript / DOM访问CSS媒体查询规则

[英]Accessing CSS media query rules via JavaScript/DOM

I've been using a number of libraries (including my own) to dynamically load assets based upon media queries I've outlined in CSS files. 我一直在使用一些库(包括我自己的)来根据我在CSS文件中概述的媒体查询来动态加载资源。 For example: 例如:

In CSS: 在CSS中:

  @media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    .foo {
      display: none;

And using an asset loader; 使用资产加载器; require.js , modernizr.js etc or using window.matchMedia and associated addListener() functions: require.jsmodernizr.js等或使用window.matchMedia和相关的addListener()函数:

  if (function("screen and (max-width: 480px)")){
    // Load several files

Declaring them twice is awkward/silly and as far as I can find, all JS helper libraries and asset loaders require you to repeat the media queries rather than locating them programmatically from JS/DOM. 将它们声明两次是笨拙/愚蠢的,据我所知,所有JS帮助程序库和资产加载程序都要求您重复媒体查询,而不是从JS / DOM以编程方式查找它们。

So, I've been exploring the ability to access the values programmatically via document.stylesheets , but I'm not sure if they're accessible and there seems very little documentation to suggest they are. 所以,我一直在探索通过document.stylesheets以编程方式访问这些值的能力,但我不确定它们是否可访问,并且似乎很少有文档表明它们是。

The furthest I've got is looking for CSSMediaRule and using console.dir(document.stylesheets) amongst others to explore the stylesheet object. 我得到的最远的是寻找CSSMediaRule并使用console.dir(document.stylesheets)来探索样式表对象。

But no references are made (within document.stylesheets ) to the actual media query rules used in CSS - only the classes to be applied as a result of the media queries... What I'm trying to locate, programmatically, is: 但是没有引用(在document.stylesheets )CSS中使用的实际媒体查询规则 - 只有作为媒体查询的结果才应用的类...我试图以编程方式找到的是:

"screen and (max-width: 480px)" “屏幕和(最大宽度:480px)”

Is there any way of accessing such CSS Media query rules via JavaScript/DOM? 有没有办法通过JavaScript / DOM访问这样的CSS媒体查询规则

For get rules use cross browser variant: 对于get规则,请使用跨浏览器变体:

var styleSheet = document.styleSheets[0];
var rules = styleSheet.cssRules || styleSheet.rules; // IE <= 8 use "rules" property

For detect CSSMediaRule object in rules list use (not work in IE <= 8, because "CSSMediaRule" class available only in IE >= 9): 对于在规则列表中使用检测CSSMediaRule对象(不在IE <= 8中工作,因为“CSSMediaRule”类仅在IE> = 9中可用):

var i = 0;
if (rules[i].type == 4)
    // Do something

Some functions for get styles from current DOM (not works in IE <= 8): 从当前DOM获取样式的一些函数(不适用于IE <= 8):

function getCssRulesFromDocumentStyleSheets(media)
    var resultCssRules = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++)
        var styleSheet = document.styleSheets[i];

        if (isRuleFromMedia(styleSheet, media))
            resultCssRules += getCssRulesFromRuleList(styleSheet.cssRules || styleSheet.rules, media);

    return resultCssRules;

function getCssRulesFromRuleList(rules, media)
    var resultCssRules = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
        var rule = rules[i];
        if (rule.type == 1) // CSSStyleRule
            resultCssRules += rule.cssText + "\r\n";
        else if (rule.type == 3) // CSSImportRule
            if (isRuleFromMedia(rule, media))
                resultCssRules += getCssRulesFromRuleList(rule.styleSheet.cssRules || rule.styleSheet.rules, media);
        else if (rule.type == 4) // CSSMediaRule
            if (isRuleFromMedia(rule, media))
                resultCssRules += getCssRulesFromRuleList(rule.cssRules || rule.rules, media);

    return resultCssRules;

function isRuleFromMedia(ruleOrStyleSheet, media)
    while (ruleOrStyleSheet)
        var mediaList = ruleOrStyleSheet.media;
        if (mediaList)
            if (!isMediaListContainsValue(mediaList, media) && !isMediaListContainsValue(mediaList, 'all') && mediaList.length > 0)
                return false;

        ruleOrStyleSheet = ruleOrStyleSheet.ownerRule || ruleOrStyleSheet.parentRule || ruleOrStyleSheet.parentStyleSheet;

    return true;

function isMediaListContainsValue(mediaList, media)
    media = String(media).toLowerCase();

    for (var i = 0; i < mediaList.length; i++)
        // Access to mediaList by "[index]" notation now work in IE (tested in versions 7, 8, 9)
        if (String(mediaList.item(i)).toLowerCase() == media)
            return true;

    return false;

Functions usage example: 功能用法示例:

<style type="text/css">
    @media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
        p { margin: 10px; }

    @media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
        p { margin: 15px; }

    @media print {
        p { margin: 20px; }

<!-- ... -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    alert(getCssRulesFromDocumentStyleSheets('screen and (max-width: 480px)'));
    // For IE (no space after colon), you can add fix to "isMediaListContainsValue" function
    alert(getCssRulesFromDocumentStyleSheets('screen and (max-width:480px)'));

Here is a JS Fiddle for it: https://jsfiddle.net/luisperezphd/hyentcqc/ 这是一个JS小提琴: https//jsfiddle.net/luisperezphd/hyentcqc/

This is how I do it: 我是这样做的:

In css create classes to expose or hide content at various breakpoints. 在css中创建类以在各个断点处公开或隐藏内容。 This is a handy utility anyway. 无论如何,这是一个方便的实用程序。 These are already available in Twitter Bootstrap for example. 例如,这些已经在Twitter Bootstrap中提供。

<style type="text/css">
  .visible-sm, .visible-md, .visible-lg{
  @media (max-width: 480px) {
       display: block;
  @media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 960px) {
       display: block;
  @media (min-width: 961px) {
       display: block;

In all your documents add empty spans with these classes. 在所有文档中添加这些类的空跨度。 They won't show up on the page if you keep the spans inline. 如果您保持内联的跨度,它们将不会显示在页面上。

<span id="media_test">
  <span class="visible-sm"></span>
  <span class="visible-md"></span>
  <span class="visible-lg"></span>

Add this short jquery extension to your script file. 将此简短的jquery扩展添加到脚本文件中。 This sets a new class in the body tag that matches the current media query. 这将在body标记中设置一个与当前媒体查询匹配的新类。

(function ($) { 
  $.fn.media_size = function () {
    //the default port size
    var size = 'lg';
    //the sizes used in the css
    var sizes = ['sm','md','lg'];
    //loop over to find which is not hidden
    for (var i = sizes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
     if($('#media_test .visible-'+sizes[i]).css("display").indexOf('none') == -1){
      size = sizes[i];
    //add a new class to the body tag
    $('body').removeClass(sizes.join(' ')).addClass(size);

Now you have an automatic integration with your css media queries Modernizr style. 现在,您可以自动集成您的css媒体查询Modernizr样式。

You can write javascript (jquery) that is conditional on based on your media queries: 您可以根据媒体查询编写有条件的javascript(jquery):

<a href="#">how big is this viewport?</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
  $('.sm a').click(function(e){ alert('Media queries say I\'m a small viewport');});
  $('.lg a').click(function(e){ alert('Media queries say I\'m a large viewport');});

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