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[英]Find all maximal complete bipartite subgraph from given bipartite graph

Given is a bipartite graph, and we want to list all maximal complete bipartite sub-graph. 给定是二分图,我们想列出所有最大完全二分子图。

For instance, 例如,

vertex set L = {A, B, C, D} 顶点集L = {A,B,C,D}

vertex set R = {a, b, c, d, e} 顶点集R = {a,b,c,d,e}

edges: Aa, Ab, Ba, Bb, Cc, Cd, Dc, Dd, De 边缘:Aa,Ab,Ba,Bb,Cc,Cd,Dc,Dd,De

The maximal complete bipartite are: 最大完全二分是:

{A,B}-{a, b} {A,B} - {a,b}

{C,D}-{c, d} {C,D} - {c,d}

{D} - {c, d, e} {D} - {c,d,e}

I have found a brute force algorithm, O(2^n). 我找到了一个强力算法,O(2 ^ n)。 I don't know if some approximation algorithm or randomized algorithm. 我不知道是否有一些近似算法或随机算法。

You can transform the problem to finding maximal cliques by adding edges between every pair of vertices in each part of the bipartite graph. 您可以通过在二分图的每个部分中的每对顶点之间添加边来将问题转换为查找最大派系。

The Bron-Kerbosch algorithm can be used to list all maximal cliques in a graph (not necessarily bipartite). Bron-Kerbosch算法可用于列出图中的所有最大派系(不一定是二分)。 It is pretty easy to implement and has a slightly better worst-case time bound of O(3^(n/3)). 它很容易实现,并且具有稍微好一点的O(3 ^(n / 3))的最坏情况时间界限。 There is also a fix-parameter tractable time bound in term of the degeneracy of the graph. 根据图的简并性,还存在固定参数易处理时间限制。

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