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[英]UML class diagram metamodel

Where can I find a simplified class diagram metamodel ? 在哪里可以找到简化的类图元模型? It's for a ATL ATLAS Transformation Language project, I need to transform a entity class diagram to SQL database. 这是针对ATL ATLAS转换语言项目的,我需要将实体类图转换为SQL数据库。 thank you . 谢谢 。


We (I´m now leading the atlanmod team, creator of the ATL language) have a " zoo of metamodels " with more than 200 metamodels in different formats, including ecore ones ready to use with ATL. 我们(我现在领导着Atlanmod团队,ATL语言的创建者)拥有一个“ 元模型动物园 ”,其中包含200多种不同格式的元模型,其中包括可以与ATL一起使用的ecore。

In fact we also have an ATL Transformation zoo with more than 100 ATL transformations you can experiment with (and learn from) 实际上,我们还拥有一个ATL转换动物园,其中包含100多种ATL转换,您可以尝试(并从中学习)


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