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git push heroku master-失败

[英]git push heroku master - FAIL

I added an SSH key to Github for committing my code. 我向GitHub添加了SSH密钥以提交我的代码。 Everything worked perfectly. 一切正常。 Then I tried to commit to Heroku to get my app live using the following steps: 然后,我尝试通过以下步骤致力于Heroku来使我的应用生效:

[omrails]$heroku keys:add
# Found the following SSH public keys:
# 1) github_rsa.pub 2) id_rsa.pub

# Which would you like to use with your Heroku account? 2 
# Uploading SSH public key /Users/jackburum/.ssh/id_rsa.pub... done

[omrails]$heroku create

# Creating calm-earth-1147... done, stack is cedar
# http://calm-earth-1147.herokuapp.com/ |
# git@heroku.com:calm-earth-1147.git

[omrails]$git push heroku master

# !  Your key with fingerprint *************** is not authorized to access omrails.
# fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Then I tried clearing the Heroku keys (heroku keys:clear) and adding the keys again... to no avail. 然后我尝试清除Heroku键(heroku keys:clear)并再次添加键...无济于事。 I also changed my SSH key in Github to see if that was the problem. 我还更改了Github中的SSH密钥,看是否是问题所在。 What can I do differently? 我可以做些什么?

I also struggled with SSH keys, specially due to my multiple accounts on Heroku. 我还为SSH密钥而苦苦挣扎,特别是由于我在Heroku上有多个帐户。 Then I found this https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-accounts which does an amazing job helping you use multiple accounts on Heroku. 然后我发现了这个https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-accounts ,它在帮助您在Heroku上使用多个帐户方面做得非常出色。

Right now your I will guess that 'heroku' origin is pointing at an incorrect Heroku application. 现在,您可能会猜到“ heroku”来源指向错误的Heroku应用程序。 To fix this perform the following. 要解决此问题,请执行以下操作。

  1. Remove the heroku origin - git remote rm heroku 删除heroku起源git remote rm heroku
  2. Readd the heroku origin pointing at calm-earth-1147 app - git remote add heroku git@heroku.com: calm-earth-1147.git 读取了指向心静地球1147应用程序的heroku起源git remote add heroku git@heroku.com: calm-earth-1147.git
  3. confirm it added correctly, git remote -v 确认正确添加, git remote -v

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