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[英]codeigniter: unable to retrieve the data using join

Currently i have foreign key thirdsmcontent_id value , now i want to get the value of 目前我有外键thirdsmcontent_id值,现在我想获取的值

thirdsubmenu_name from thirdmenu table, submenu_name from submenu table, menu_name from mainmenu table . thirdsubmenu_namethirdmenu表, submenu_namesubmenu表, menu_namemainmenu表。

Please help me to solve this problem. 请帮我解决这个问题。 I tried below code but my model code is not correct. 我尝试了下面的代码,但是我的模型代码不正确。 it is not display my data 它不显示我的数据

My Database Table Structure 我的数据库表结构

   1)Table: mainmenu
     mainmenu_id   PK(primary key)
     menu_name     ..... 

    2)Table: submenu
     submenu_id     PK
     mainmenu_id    FK (foreign key refrences mainmenu table)
     submenu_name   ..... 

    3)Table: thirdsubmenu
      thirdsubmenu_id     PK
      submenu_id          FK (foreign key refrences submenu table)
      thirdsubmenu_name     ........

    4)Table: thirdsmcontentdetails
      thirdsmcontent_id   PK
      thirdsubmenu_id     FK (foreign key refrences thirdsubmenu table)
      content              ......

In My controller 在我的控制器中

 $thirdsubmenu_id = $this->uri->segment(4);

   $data['main_menuname'] = $this->thirdsmcontentdetailsmodel->getMainMenuNameOfSubmenu($thirdsubmenu_id); 

In My model 在我的模型中

 //---------------------------get Main Menu Name by Menu id-----------------------------------
 function getMainMenuNameOfSubmenu($thirdsubmenu_id)
         $query = $this->db->join('thirdsubmenu','thirdsubmenu.submenu_id = thirdsmcontentdetails.submenu_id')->get_where('thirdsubmenu',array('thirdsubmenu_id'=>$thirdsubmenu_id));  
         return $query->row('menu_name'); 

Getting Error: 出现错误:

    A Database Error Occurred

    Error Number: 1066

    Not unique table/alias: 'thirdsubmenu'

    SELECT * FROM (`thirdsubmenu`) JOIN `thirdsubmenu` ON `thirdsubmenu`.`submenu_id` = `thirdsmcontentdetails`.`submenu_id` WHERE `thirdsubmenu_id` = '1'

    Filename: D:\xampp\htdocs\system\database\DB_driver.php

    Line Number: 330

You are defining both FROM and JOIN as thirdsubmenu that isn't possible and makes no sense. 您正在将FROMJOIN定义为不可能且没有意义的thirdsubmenu Either use: 可以使用:

$this->db->join('thirdsubmenu','thirdsubmenu.submenu_id = thirdsmcontentdetails.submenu_id');
$query = $this->db->get_where('thirdsmcontentdetails',array('thirdsubmenu_id'=>$thirdsubmenu_id));

Or: 要么:

$this->db->join('thirdsubmenu','thirdsubmenu.submenu_id = thirdsmcontentdetails.submenu_id')
$query = $this->db->get();

Have a look at the CI documentation to see how you have to define a join. 查看CI documentation以了解如何定义联接。

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