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JSF 2.2-具有multipart / form-data的Ajax表单存在一些错误

[英]JSF 2.2 - ajax in form with multipart/form-data has some error

I try to create upload file form with JSF 2.2. 我尝试使用JSF 2.2创建上传文件表单。 In this form I have bankCode input box that will ajax to server when loss focus. 在这种形式中,我有bankCode输入框,当丢失焦点时,该框将与服务器对齐。 And this form also contain input file box with. 而且此表格还包含输入文件框。 SO I must put enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute to h:form tag for upload file. 因此,我必须将enctype =“ multipart / form-data”属性放入h:form标记以上传文件。

Everytime I put enctype to form - the ajax will show error message in Chrome's debuger. 每当我将enctype放入表单时,ajax都会在Chrome的调试器中显示错误消息。

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null 未捕获的TypeError:无法读取null的属性“长度”
jsf.js.htm:359 jsf.js.htm:359

Example code 范例程式码

<h:form id="dialogForm" prependId="false" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <h:commandLink action="#{bankController.initCreate()}" class="btn add" style="margin: 10px 0 20px 20px;">
            <f:ajax immediate="true" execute="@this" render=":dialogForm"/>
            <span>Add new bank</span>
        <table class="dialogTable" style="margin: 10px 0 20px 20px;">
                <col width="30%"/>
                <col width="70%"/>
                <td class="label">
                    <label for="abbreviation">Bank's code<span class="required">*</span></label>
                    <h:panelGroup id="codeBox" layout="block" class="codeBox">
                        <h:inputText id="code" value="#{bankController.curBank.code}" maxlength="10" class="input code #{bankController.isExistCode?'error':''}"
                                     onblur="return validTextInput('code',2);">
                        <f:validateLength minimum="2" maximum="10"/>
                            <f:ajax execute="@this" event="blur" listener="#{bankController.existCode()}" onevent="function(e){showValidateIcon(e, 'code');}" render="codeBox"/>
                        <span class="append2">
                            <img id="codeXLoad" src="#{cdnLocator.officeUrl}/img/load16.gif" title="On process, please wait" width="16" height="16" style="margin-top: 2px; display: none;"/>
                            <img id="codeXWarn" src="#{cdnLocator.officeUrl}/css/images/error_msg_icon.gif" title="Not allowed" width="16" height="16" style="margin-top: 2px; #{bankController.isExistCode?'':'display: none;'}"/>
                            <img id="codeXAvai" src="#{cdnLocator.officeUrl}/css/images/success_msg_icon.gif" title="Allowed" width="16" height="16" style="margin-top: 2px; #{bankController.isExistCode?'display: none;':''}"/>
                <td class="label">
                    <label for="icon">Bank icon file*</label>
                    <h:inputFile id="bankIconFile" value="#{bankController.bankIconFile}"/>

How can I fix this error. 如何解决此错误。

Thanks for reply. 谢谢你的答复。 I found that this is bug of JSF 2.2 M10 to M12. 我发现这是JSF 2.2 M10到M12的错误。 I change to JSF 2.2 M9, it work well. 我更改为JSF 2.2 M9,它运行良好。

So I will use M9 untill JSF 2.2 is released. 因此,在JSF 2.2发布之前,我将使用M9。

I have raised a bug with Mojarra which I think relates to your issue as well. 我提出了Mojarra的错误,我认为这也与您的问题有关。

Stackoverflow issue 堆栈溢出问题

PS. PS。 Voting for the Jira might speed up resolution as it is dormant since 14th May 自5月14日起休眠,为吉拉投票可能会加快分辨率

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