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[英]Ignoring the @ symbol when running a MySQL command from C#

I have the following MySQL command that populates a table with the last 6 matches played by soccer teams: 我有以下MySQL命令,该表使用足球队最近进行的6场比赛来填充表格:

insert into lastxgames
select team, matchdate, hometeam, awayteam, fthg, ftag
from (
    team, soccerdata.matchdate, hometeam, awayteam, fthg, ftag,
    @teamCounter:=IF(@prevHome=team,@teamCounter+1,1) teamCounter,
  from soccerdata
    join (
      select distinct matchdate, hometeam team
      from soccerdata
      select distinct matchdate, awayteam
      from soccerdata
    ) allgames on soccerdata.matchdate = allgames.matchdate
      and (soccerdata.hometeam = allgames.team or soccerdata.awayteam = allgames.team)
    join (select @teamCounter:=0) t
  order by team, soccerdata.matchdate desc
  ) t 
where teamCounter <= 6
order by team, matchdate desc;

I want to run this from within a C# program, but when I do the query fails as the @ symbol is taken as a query parameter, rather than being treated in the way that MySQL intended (a MySQL variable?). 我想在C#程序中运行它,但是当我这样做时查询失败,因为@符号被当作查询参数,而不是以MySQL预期的方式(MySQL变量?)来对待。

Within my C# program I am just declaring a string to hold the query and adding it to a MySqlCommand: 在我的C#程序中,我只是声明一个字符串来保存查询并将其添加到MySqlCommand中:

string insertCommand = @"insert into lastxgames...";
using (MySqlCommand cmdInsert = new MySqlCommand(insertCommand, dcConnection))

Is there a way to get C# to ignore the @ symbol so that @teamCounter and @prevHome are not treated as query parameters? 有没有一种方法可以使C#忽略@符号,以便将@teamCounter和@prevHome不视为查询参数?


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