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[英]How to get friends profile picture from gmail contacts?

I'm trying to import GMail contacts (friends list). 我正在尝试导入GMail联系人(朋友列表)。 I have got friends' mail id, name, and phone number, but if I tried to get the images it says "401 error". 我有朋友的邮件ID,姓名和电话号码,但是如果我尝试获取图像,则会显示“ 401错误”。

The code I have used is as follows: 我使用的代码如下:

GDataLink *photoLink = [contact photoLink];

NSURL *imageURL = [photoLink URL];
NSLog(@"image url = %@",imageURL);

How can I get friends' profile picture? 如何获取朋友的个人资料图片? Where did I go wrong? 我哪里做错了?

Looking at some other (public) code that's roughly the same as what you're doing , I see that you should be using an auth token with these photo links. 查看与您正在执行的操作大致相同的其他(公共)代码 ,我发现您应该在这些照片链接中使用身份验证令牌 Without that auth token, Google assumes you might be malicious and will send back a 401 error. 如果没有该身份验证令牌,Google会认为您可能是恶意的,并会发回401错误。

EG 例如

    GDataLink *photoLink = [contact photoLink];

    NSString *imageETag = [photoLink ETag];
    if (imageETag == nil || ![mContactImageETag isEqual:imageETag]) {

      if (imageETag != nil) {

        // get an NSURLRequest object with an auth token
        NSURL *imageURL = [photoLink URL];
        GDataServiceGoogleContact *service = [self contactService];

        // requestForURL:ETag:httpMethod: sets the user agent header of the
        // request and, when using ClientLogin, adds the authorization header
        NSMutableURLRequest *request = [service requestForURL:imageURL

        [request setValue:@"image/*" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept"];

        GTMHTTPFetcher *fetcher = [GTMHTTPFetcher fetcherWithRequest:request];
        [fetcher setAuthorizer:[service authorizer]];
        [fetcher beginFetchWithDelegate:self

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