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[英]Variadic templates: producing a tuple of pairs of adjacent elements

My goal is to do something so that for instance, 我的目标是做一些事情,例如,


Has return type 有退货类型

std::tuple<some_other_type<1,2>, some_other_type<2,3>, some_other_type<3,4>>

I am wondering if this is even possible with C++ template metaprogramming, and how it could be accomplished. 我想知道这是否可能与C ++模板元编程,以及如何实现它。 For actually producing the value, it seems as though I can use tuple_cat to recursively concatenate to the output, but I'm finding it difficult to express the return type, since it is itself variadic and effectively a function of the number of template parameters. 为了实际生成该值,似乎我可以使用tuple_cat递归地连接到输出,但我发现很难表达返回类型,因为它本身是可变参数并且实际上是模板参数数量的函数。 Complicating the situation, if I went the tuple_cat route it seems like I would also have to overload the function to take a tuple to concatenate onto, and the concatenation would happen at runtime, not compile-time. 使情况复杂化,如果我去了tuple_cat路由,似乎我也必须重载函数以使元组连接到,并且连接将在运行时发生,而不是编译时。 Am I on a wild goose chase here? 我在野鹅追逐吗?

Here is a way of doing that. 这是一种方法。 Given your class template some_other_type : 给出你的类模板some_other_type

template<int I, int J>
struct some_other_type { };

And given some machinery hidden in the detail namespace: 并且给出了一些隐藏在detail命名空间中的机制:

namespace detail
    template<int... Is>
    struct pairs { };

    template<int I, int J>
    struct pairs<I, J> 
        using type = std::tuple<some_other_type<I, J>>; 

    template<int I, int J, int... Is>
    struct pairs<I, J, Is...>
        using type = decltype(std::tuple_cat(
                std::tuple<some_other_type<I, J>>(),
                typename pairs<J, Is...>::type()));

You could provide a simple function that instantiates the helper class template: 您可以提供一个实例化辅助类模板的简单函数:

template<int... Is>
typename detail::pairs<Is...>::type pairs()
    return typename detail::pairs<Is...>::type();

And here is how you would use it (and a test case): 以下是您将如何使用它(以及测试用例):

#include <type_traits>

int main()
    auto p = pairs<1, 2, 3, 4>();

    // Won't fire!

Finally, here is a live example . 最后,这是一个实例

IMPROVEMENT: ( why writing <1, 2, 3, 4> when one could write <1, 5> )? 改进:( 为什么写<1, 2, 3, 4>当一个人可以写<1, 5> )?

It is also possible to extend the above solution so that it won't be required to manually write every number between the minimum and the maximum as a template argument of pairs() . 还可以扩展上述解决方案,以便不需要手动将最小值和最大值之间的每个数字写为pairs()的模板参数。 Given the additional machinery below, again hidden in a detail namespace: 鉴于下面的附加机制,再次隐藏在detail命名空间中:

namespace detail
    template <int... Is>
    struct index_list { };

    template <int MIN, int N, int... Is>
    struct range_builder;

    template <int MIN, int... Is>
    struct range_builder<MIN, MIN, Is...>
        typedef index_list<Is...> type;

    template <int MIN, int N, int... Is>
    struct range_builder : public range_builder<MIN, N - 1, N - 1, Is...>
    { };

    // Meta-function that returns a [MIN, MAX) index range
    template<int MIN, int MAX>
    using index_range = typename range_builder<MIN, MAX>::type;

    template<int... Is>
    auto pairs_range(index_list<Is...>) -> decltype(::pairs<Is...>())
        return ::pairs<Is...>();

It is possible to define a helper function pairs_range() which accepts 2 template arguments defining the range [begin, end) - where end is not included, in the style of the Standard Library: 可以定义一个辅助函数pairs_range() ,该函数接受2个模板参数,这些参数定义范围[begin, end) - 其中不包括end ,采用标准库的样式:

template<int I, int J>
auto pairs_range() -> decltype(pairs_range(detail::index_range<I, J>()))
    return pairs_range(detail::index_range<I, J>());

And this is how one would use it (including a test case): 这就是人们如何使用它(包括测试用例):

int main()
    // Won't fire!
            decltype(pairs_range<1, 5>()),
            decltype(pairs<1, 2, 3, 4>())

And once again, here is a live example . 再一次,这是一个现实的例子

Here is my version of it ( live here ), 100% compile-time, returning the new parameter list as a type (not a function return): 这是我的版本( 在这里 ),100%编译时,将新参数列表作为类型返回(不是函数返回):

First, let's define our result structures: 首先,让我们定义我们的结果结构:

template<int a, int b>
struct tpair

template<typename... p>
struct final_

The key point is to concat parameters packs. 关键点是连接参数包。 Here is the struct that will do the job: 这是将完成工作的结构:

template<typename a, typename b>
struct concat

template<typename a, typename... b>
struct concat<a, final<b...>>
   typedef final_<a,b...> type;

Now, the struct used to 'pairize' your list. 现在,结构用于“配对”您的列表。 Normally it will fail with odd numbers of values: 通常,它将以奇数个值失败:

template<int a, int b, int... values>
struct pairize
   // Choose one of the following versions:
   // First version: only non-overlapping pairs : (1,2) (3,4) ...
   typedef typename concat<tpair<a,b>, typename pairize<values...>::type>::type type;
   // Second version: overlapping pairs : (1,2) (2,3) (3,4)...
   typedef typename concat<tpair<a,b>, typename pairize<b,values...>::type>::type type; 

template<int a, int b>
struct pairize<a,b>
   typedef final_<tpair<a,b>> type; 

In the live example there is also a code outputting the name of all types in a parameter pack to the console, with demangling, as a test (was funnier to use than the incomplete type trick) . 在实例中,还有一个代码将参数包中所有类型的名称输出到控制台,并使用demangling作为测试(使用比不完整类型技巧更有趣)

And now, let's try it with indices and without recursion (except, of course, for the indices): 现在,让我们用indices和没有递归来尝试它(当然,除了索引):

#include <tuple>

template< std::size_t... Ns >
struct indices
    typedef indices< Ns..., sizeof...( Ns ) > next;

template< std::size_t N >
struct make_indices
    typedef typename make_indices< N - 1 >::type::next type;

struct make_indices< 0 >
    typedef indices<> type;

template< std::size_t, std::size_t >
struct sometype {};

template< typename, typename, typename >
struct make_pairs;

template< std::size_t... Ns, std::size_t... Ms, std::size_t... Is >
struct make_pairs< indices< Ns... >, indices< Ms... >, indices< Is... > >
  using type = decltype( std::tuple_cat(
    std::declval< typename std::conditional< Is % 2 == 1,
                                             std::tuple< sometype< Ns, Ms > >,
                                             std::tuple<> >::type >()...

template< std::size_t... Ns >
using pairs = typename make_pairs< indices< 0, Ns... >, indices< Ns..., 0 >,
                typename make_indices< sizeof...( Ns ) + 1 >::type >::type;

int main()
  static_assert( std::is_same< pairs<1,2,4,3,5,9>,
    std::tuple< sometype<1,2>, sometype<4,3>, sometype<5,9> > >::value, "Oops" );

(OK, I cheated a bit: std::tuple_cat might be recursive itself ;) (好吧,我作弊了一下: std::tuple_cat本身可能是递归的;)

Update: OK, I should have read the question more carefully. 更新:好的,我应该更仔细地阅读这个问题。 Here's the version which produces the desired result ( indices / make_indices as above): 这是产生所需结果的版本(如上所述indices / make_indices ):

template< std::size_t, std::size_t >
struct sometype {};

template< typename, typename, typename >
struct make_pairs;

template< std::size_t... Ns, std::size_t... Ms, std::size_t... Is >
struct make_pairs< indices< Ns... >, indices< Ms... >, indices< Is... > >
  using type = decltype( std::tuple_cat(
    std::declval< typename std::conditional< Is != 0 && Is != sizeof...( Is ) - 1,
                                             std::tuple< sometype< Ns, Ms > >,
                                             std::tuple<> >::type >()...

template< std::size_t... Ns >
using pairs = typename make_pairs< indices< 0, Ns... >, indices< Ns..., 0 >,
                typename make_indices< sizeof...( Ns ) + 1 >::type >::type;

int main()
  static_assert( std::is_same< pairs<1,2,3,4>,
    std::tuple< sometype<1,2>, sometype<2,3>, sometype<3,4> > >::value, "Oops" );

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