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[英]Return value's type like type in parameter

Can I create a method so that it returns the value of the type that I specify in parameters? 我可以创建一个方法,使其返回在参数中指定的类型的值吗? For example: 例如:

int i = Settings.Get("count", typeof(int));
string s = Settings.Get("count", typeof(string));
Guid g = Settings.Get("count", typeof(Guid));
public T Get<T> (string value)
     //read setting and cast

     //or if you have Setting.Get implementation
     return (T)Settings.Get("count", typeof(T));

now you can 现在你可以

int i = Get<int>("count");
string i = Get<string>("count");
Guid i = Get<Guid>("count");

You can do this by making the method generic: 您可以通过使方法通用来实现:

Settings.Get<T>(string name);

Inside the Get method you need to load the value and then cast it to T : 在Get方法内部,您需要加载值,然后将其强制转换为T

public T Get<T>(string value)
    object o = 1; // read setting;
    return (T)o;

And then call it: 然后调用它:

int i = Get<int>("count");

why don't you try generics like this 你为什么不尝试这样的泛型

   public T Get<T>(string value)
     // do your stuff and cast the value

where T is type T是类型

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