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[英]Grouping items in Linq query

I'm trying to group a result set of ektron search results items and output them on screen, I use the following code 我正在尝试将ektron搜索结果项目的结果集分组并在屏幕上输出,我使用以下代码

var groupdResults = 
    from result in response.Results
    orderby result[SearchSmartFormProperty.GetDateProperty("/root/FundClosingDate")]
    group result by result[SearchSmartFormProperty.GetStringProperty("/root/DeadlineAltText")] 
    into statusGroup
    select new 
        closingDate =statusGroup.Key,
        count= statusGroup.Count

I then add these to a listview: uxSearchResultView.DataSource = groupdResults; 然后,将它们添加到列表视图中:uxSearchResultView.DataSource = groupdResults;

The problem I'm having is that i need to output all the data from the resultset eg title,closingdate, etc.., It currently only outputs, eg Closing 2 open 1 我遇到的问题是我需要从结果集中输出所有数据,例如标题,结束日期等。它目前仅输出,例如结束2打开1

really appreciate any help anyone can offer 非常感谢任何人都可以提供的帮助

-----------------------Updated------------------------------------- I think i have a working solution now, but its kind of messy - - - - - - - - - - - -更新 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----------我想我现在有一个可行的解决方案,但是有点混乱

var groupdResults = from result in response.Results
                                orderby result[SearchSmartFormProperty.GetDateProperty("/root/FundClosingDate")]
                                group result by result[SearchSmartFormProperty.GetStringProperty("/root/DeadlineAltText")] 
                                into statusGroup
                                    select new 
                                        closingDate = statusGroup.Key,
                                        count = statusGroup.Count(),
                                        items = statusGroup.ToList()
    List<Ektron.Cms.Search.SearchResultData> SRDATA = new List<Ektron.Cms.Search.SearchResultData>();
            foreach (var result in groupdResults)
                for (int i = 0; i < result.items.Count; i++)

Any input as to a cleaner implementation? 关于更清洁的实现有什么意见吗? thanks 谢谢

You can do following: 您可以执行以下操作:

select new 
    closingDate =statusGroup.Key,
    count= statusGroup.Count(),
    items = statusGroup.ToList()

items property will contain items that were assigned to that group in a List . items属性将包含在List中分配给该组的项目。

Rather than using anonymous types I would put that into a new object. 与其使用匿名类型,不如将其放入一个新对象中。

var groupdResults = 
from result in response.Results
orderby result[SearchSmartFormProperty.GetDateProperty("/root/FundClosingDate")]
group result by result[SearchSmartFormProperty.GetStringProperty("/root/DeadlineAltText")] 
into statusGroup
select new ResultObject
    closingDate = statusGroup.First().ClosingDate,

(Modified) (改性)

I think you need a class to capture your results: 我认为您需要一门课程来记录您的结果:

class GroupResult
    public string Status { get; set; }
    public ICollection<SearchResultData> Items { get; set; }

The grouping statusGroup is an IEnumerable of your items, so you can do: 分组statusGroup是您项目的IEnumerable ,因此您可以执行以下操作:

var groupdResults = 
    from result in response.Results
    group result by result[SearchSmartFormProperty.GetStringProperty("/root/DeadlineAltText")] 
    into statusGroup
    select new GroupResult
        Status =statusGroup.Key,
        Items = statusGroup.ToList()

After that you can display the Items in any way you wish, like sorted by Status and the Items sorted by ClosingDate . 之后,你可以显示Items的需要,像分类以任何方式StatusItems排序ClosingDate

But maybe it is enough to just sort response.Results by status and then by closing date. 但是也许仅按response.Results进行排序就足够了,结果按状态然后按截止日期排序。

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