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[英]How do you get a query set of all models in a Django (1.2) ManyToMany relationship?

I have a Project model which has a pre-requisite attribute which is a ManyToMany field linking to other projects. 我有一个项目模型,该模型具有一个先决条件属性,该属性是一个链接到其他项目的ManyToMany字段。 That is, each project can have 0+ projects that must be completed before it can be completed. 也就是说,每个项目可以有0+个必须完成的项目,然后才能完成。

class Project(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    prequisites = models.ManyToManyField('self', null=True, blank=True)

How do I return all projects that are prerequisite to this project? 如何退回该项目的先决条件的所有项目? I want to do something like this: 我想做这样的事情:

project_a = Project.objects.get(title="My Cool Project")

for pre_requisite in project_a.prequisites:
    # do something with pre_requisite

but project_a.prequisites returns a ManyRelatedManager object. 但是project_a.prequisites返回ManyRelatedManager对象。 The special _set attribute doesn't seem to be working either: 特殊的_set属性似乎也不起作用:

AttributeError: 'Project' object has no attribute 'prequisites_set'

I'm thinking about modelling the pre-requisites in another model: 我正在考虑在另一个模型中对先决条件进行建模:

class ProjectPrequisite(models.Model):
    project = models.ForeignKey(Project)
    prequisite = models.ForeignKey(Project)

but I'd rather do things the right way , if you know what I mean. 但是如果您知道我的意思,我宁愿以正确的方式做事。


Will return all Project instances connected through your manytomanyfield 将返回通过您的manytomanyfield连接的所有Project实例

a manager allows you to filter and get queryset objects as you would through the objects property of your models 管理器允许您像通过模型的objects属性那样过滤和获取queryset对象

this would allow you to do something like 这将允许您做类似的事情


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