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VS2010在记事本中打开网站? 错误的修复程序?

[英]VS2010 opens website in notepad? bad hotfix?

I am using VS2010 on Windows XP pro (sp3, x86), and I just installed the hotfix kb2106584 . 我在Windows XP pro(sp3,x86)上使用VS2010,并且刚刚安装了修补程序kb2106584 This fix was reported by some people, example here , as having a fix for an issue I had with Asp.Net Development Server not getting opened properly from VS, which I was having previously. 有人( 例如此处 )报告此修复程序,它具有针对我与Asp.Net Development Server不能从VS正确打开的问题的修复程序,而我之前曾对此提出过。 My issue was being caused by ESET NOD32 messing with the http traffic from devenv.exe and causing all the ports in my computer to get used up, however. 我的问题是由ESET NOD32与devenv.exe的HTTP通信混乱所引起的,但是却导致计算机中的所有端口用尽。
Anyway, as soon as that was finished, I opened my website back up, and clicked debug. 无论如何,一旦完成,我便打开了我的网站,然后单击“调试”。 Asp.Net Dev server pops up, which was what the hotfix was supposed to make happen, and then notepad++ opens with the tabs I had last time I used it, and IE never shows up. 弹出Asp.Net Dev服务器,这是应该进行此修复的程序,然后使用我上次使用它的选项卡打开notepad ++,而IE却从未显示。 "Wait, what?" “等等,什么?” try it again. 再试一遍。 and again. 然后再次。 Always notepad++, never IE, always with no new documents opened, just some completely unrelated stuff. 总是记事本++,从来没有IE,总是没有打开任何新文档,只是一些完全不相关的东西。
I've seen one other post on SO about this happening, here , but his issue was corrupted files/filesystem. 我已经看到了这么一个其他职位有关这种情况的发生, 在这里 ,但他的问题是损坏的文件/文件系统。 My project is in source control, so I tried a delete&revert to yesterday's revision. 我的项目处于源代码管理中,因此我尝试了删除并还原到昨天的修订。 Still opens notepad++, so that's not my issue. 仍然打开记事本++,所以这不是我的问题。
I've also tried rebuilding, which did nothing, and deleting my local Solution files, which also did nothing. 我还尝试了重建操作,该操作什么也不做,并删除了我的本地解决方案文件,该文件也没有执行任何操作。 I restarted the program and then the computer, both to no avail. 我重新启动程序,然后重新启动计算机,都无济于事。
I start to believe that this is the hotfix screwing things up, so I try to do a system restore to a couple days ago. 我开始相信这是解决问题的修补程序,因此我尝试将系统还原到几天前。 Once again, no dice; 再一次,没有骰子; it's still pulling up notepad++ instead of IE. 它仍在拉起notepad ++而不是IE。

So, the questions become: 因此,问题变为:
Is there a setting or two I can try changing to make it open the proper program again? 我可以尝试更改一两个设置以使其再次打开正确的程序吗?
Or was this a bad/improper hotfix, and if so, how do I uninstall it? 还是这是一个不好的/不正确的修补程序,如果是,如何卸载它? It doesn't show up in the Add/Remove Programs dialog, and I don't see an option to uninstall it in VS, or in the installer. 它没有显示在“添加/删除程序”对话框中,并且我看不到在VS或安装程序中将其卸载的选项。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

[edit] Also note: Notepad++ is not actually opening the website file, it's just getting opened with whatever I left in it last time. [edit]另外请注意:Notepad ++实际上并没有打开网站文件,只是打开了我上一次留下的内容。 I dunno if this helps at all, but I felt like details would be appreciated. 我不知道这是否有帮助,但我希望细节会受到赞赏。 [/edit] [/编辑]

Fixed: 固定:
Uninstalling n++, deleting EVERY registry entry & folder containing 'notepad++' (except one, from whose string I removed ";notepad++.exe"), then reinstalling n++ made VS stop opening notepad++. 卸载n ++,删除每个包含'notepad ++'的注册表项和文件夹(除了一个,我从其字符串中删除了“; notepad ++。exe”),然后重新安装n ++,使VS停止打开notepad ++。
Now it opens the default web-browser again. 现在,它将再次打开默认的Web浏览器。

[edit] [编辑]
Note for anyone else out there who ends up with this specific and bizarre problem: 请注意任何其他最终遇到此特定而奇怪的问题的人:
It would be worth a shot to try changing the "Browse With..." setting in VS, by r-clicking on Default.aspx to "Internet Explorer". 尝试在VS中更改“浏览...”设置,这是值得一试的,方法是将Default.aspx右键单击为“ Internet Explorer”。 My list included Notepad++ as an available internet browser. 我的清单包括Notepad ++作为可用的Internet浏览器。
This might be a better solution than the previous, if it does in fact work. 如果确实可行,这可能是比以前更好的解决方案。

I didn't know this setting would allow Notepad++ as an option until I had to set it back to IE again after all this, and that may have been the problem all along. 我不知道此设置是否允许使用Notepad ++,直到所有这些之后我不得不再次将其设置回IE为止, 这可能一直是问题所在。 Apparently, VS just changes this setting sometimes . 显然, VS有时会更改此设置 How or why N++ got put in as an internet browser is completely beyond me, but I did myself the favor of 'Remove'ing NotePad++ from the list, and you may wish to do the same. N ++作为互联网浏览器的方式或方式完全超出了我的范围,但我本人还是赞成从列表中“删除” NotePad++ ,您可能希望这样做。
Again, I'll never truly know whether or not I nuked everything when I could have changed a single setting that got mysteriously reset, but may this [lesson?] at least be recorded for posterity. 再说一次,我永远不会真正知道我是否可以更改一个神秘地重置过的单一设置,但是否至少为后代而记录下来。
[/edit] [/编辑]

It took all of that to figure out that it [was?] a bogus registry entry somewhere that [may have been?] modified by the hotfix; 所有这些都弄清了该修补程序在[可能已经被?]修改过的某个地方是一个伪造的注册表项。 a registry entry that neither notepad++ nor visual studio 2010 ultimate would clean up on uninstall or replace on reinstall 注册表项,notepad ++或Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate都不会在卸载时清除或在重新安装时替换
Which was it? 是哪一个 I have no idea. 我不知道。 Like I said, I didn't even use n++ this week until VS started opening it for me, and the only change I made was to install that hotfix. 就像我说的,这个星期我什至没有使用过n ++,直到VS开始为我打开它,而我所做的唯一更改就是安装了该修补程序。

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