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[英]log4net - Custom property logging

I got use the following class to print out messages using log4net: 我使用以下类使用log4net打印出消息:

public class Message
    public String Text { get; set; }
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public override string ToString()
        return Text;

I use Logger.Info(MessageInstance) , so log4net just invokes the ToString method and prints out the message. 我使用Logger.Info(MessageInstance) ,所以log4net只是调用ToString方法并打印出消息。 I would like to also log the Id property of the message object, but I cannot figure out how to achive this. 我也想记录消息对象的Id属性,但是我不知道该如何实现。

My conversion pattern looks similiar to this: 我的转换模式与此类似:

<conversionPattern value="%date %-5level %message%newline" />

I tried adding %message{Id} but that would just print the whole message twice. 我尝试添加%message{Id}但这只会将整个消息打印两次。

Any Suggestions? 有什么建议么?

I just wrote a custom pattern, which allows to read properies of the message object. 我刚刚编写了一个自定义模式,该模式允许读取消息对象的属性。

public class ReflectionReader : PatternLayoutConverter
    public ReflectionReader()
        _getValue = GetValueFirstTime;

    protected override void Convert(TextWriter writer, LoggingEvent loggingEvent)

    private Func<object, String> _getValue;
    private string GetValueFirstTime(object source)
        _targetProperty = source.GetType().GetProperty(Option);
        if (_targetProperty == null)
            _getValue = x => "<NULL>";
            _getValue = x => String.Format("{0}", _targetProperty.GetValue(x, null));
        return _getValue(source);

    private PropertyInfo _targetProperty;

Combine with this: 与此结合:

public class ReflectionLayoutPattern : PatternLayout
    public ReflectionLayoutPattern()
        this.AddConverter("item", typeof(ReflectionReader));

Config looks like this: 配置看起来像这样:

<layout type="MyAssembly.MyNamespace.ReflectionLayoutPattern, MyAssembly">
  <conversionPattern value="[%item{Id}]&#9;%message%newline" />

You can use a CustomXmlLayout class that derives from XmlLayoutBase and override the FormatXml method. 您可以使用从XmlLayoutBase派生的CustomXmlLayout类,并重写FormatXml方法。 This method takes a LoggingEvent object as parameter which will contain the MessageObject that was passed to the log method. 此方法将LoggingEvent对象作为参数,该对象将包含传递给log方法的MessageObject。

public class SpecialXmlLayout : XmlLayoutBase
    protected override void FormatXml(XmlWriter writer, LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
        Message message = loggingEvent.MessageObject as Message;
        writer.WriteElementString("Message", GetMessage(message));
        // ... write other things

Inside the GetMessaage method create your string as you would like from the message. 在GetMessaage方法内,根据您希望从消息中创建字符串。

Then use this layout class in log4net config: 然后在log4net配置中使用此布局类:

    <appender name="EventLogAppender" type="log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender">
      <applicationName value="My Application" />
      <layout type="Namespace.SpecialXmlLayout">
      <filter type="log4net.Filter.LevelRangeFilter">
        <param name="LevelMin" value="ERROR" />
        <param name="LevelMax" value="FATAL" />

This is the idea. 这是主意。 For more specific details you will have to consult the log4Net SDK documentation. 有关更多特定的详细信息,您将必须查阅log4Net SDK文档。

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