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[英]Changing pictures in a website gallery form

I have tried for about a week now and cannot solve my problem. 我已经尝试了大约一个星期,无法解决我的问题。 What I want to do is have a web page that will basicaly scroll through 5 or 6 pictures by clicking a next or prev asp:button . 我想要做的是拥有一个网页,该网页基本上会通过clicking a next or prev asp:button滚动浏览5或6张图片。 Can someone help me from scratch how to achieve this. 有人可以从头开始帮助我如何实现这一目标。

I am using visual studio web developer and have a blank web site made with a master page. 我正在使用Visual Studio Web开发人员,并且使用主页制作了一个空白网站。 I want to add this gallary function to the auto generated Default.apsx file. 我想将此库函数添加到自动生成的Default.apsx文件中。

My picture name are pic001.jpg; pic002.jpg; pic003.jpg 我的图片名称是pic001.jpg; pic002.jpg; pic003.jpg pic001.jpg; pic002.jpg; pic003.jpg pic001.jpg; pic002.jpg; pic003.jpg and so forth pic001.jpg; pic002.jpg; pic003.jpg

all I want is a button on the left saying previous which will take you to the previous image, a button on the right that says next which will show you the next picture and in the middle is a picture (the one that changes) 我想要的只是左侧的一个按钮,上面有上一张,将您带到上一张图像,右侧的一个按钮,上面则是下一张,它将向您显示下一张图片,中间是一张图片(变化的图片)

Please help with this problem I have tried and failed rather horribly at it, Many thanks to the one who can help 请帮助解决这个问题,我已经尝试并失败了,非常感谢,非常感谢能够提供帮助的人

This is some code of my attempts: 这是我尝试的一些代码:

Default.aspx file Default.aspx文件

<%@ Page Title="Default" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Default"  %>

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" Runat="Server" >
    <script src="myJava.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" Runat="Server" >
    <tr><td> GALLARY </td></tr> <!--Header-->
        <td> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Prev" OnClientClick="getPrevImage()"/> </td>
        <td> <img ID="pic" alt="" src="" runat="server" width="400" height="400" /> </td>
        <td> <asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Next" OnClientClick="getNextImage()"/> </td>

Default.aspx.cs file Default.aspx.cs文件

public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            string script = string.Empty;
            script += "<script language='javascript'>";

            script += "init()";
            script += "</script>";
            ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Error", script);

myJava.js file myJava.js文件

var imagePath = new Array();
var imageIndex = 0;

function init(){


function addPath(path){
     var index = imagePath.length;
     imagePath[index++] = path;  

function getImagePath(index){
     var length = imagePath.length;

     if(index <= length){
        if(index >= 0){
            document.getElementById("MainContent_pic").src = imagePath[index];
            document.getElementById("MainContent_pic").alt = imagePath[index];
            imageIndex = index;
     } else {
        document.getElementById("MainContent_pic").src = "DOES NOT EXIST";
        document.getElementById("MainContent_pic").alt = "DOES NOT EXIST";

function getNextImage(){
     var length = imagePath.length;
     var index = imageIndex;
     if(index++ < length--){
        if(imagePath[index] != null){
            imageIndex = index;
            document.getElementById("MainContent_pic").src = imagePath[index];
            document.getElementById("MainContent_pic").alt = imagePath[index];

function getPrevImage(){
     var index = imageIndex;
     if(index-- >= 0){
        if(imagePath[index] != null){
            imageIndex = index;
            document.getElementById("MainContent_pic").src = imagePath[index];
            document.getElementById("MainContent_pic").alt = imagePath[index];

Here are an approaching using html and jquery that you can easy use in your app: 这是使用html和jquery的一种方法,您可以在应用程序中轻松使用它:

HTMl (feel free to replace <a> with any tag that you want): HTMl(随意将<a>替换为所需的任何标签):

<a href="" class="previous">Previous</a>

<img src="1.jpg" class="display"/>
<img src="2.jpg" class="hide"/>
<img src="3.jpg" class="hide"/>
<img src="4.jpg" class="hide"/>

<a href="" class="next">Next</a>

Jquery: jQuery:

        var current = $(.display);
        //hide current img
        current.attr("class", "hide");
        //get previous img
        var pre = current.pre();
        if(pre !== null)
            //display previous img if available
            pre.atrr("class", "display");
            //dipslay last img if previous not available
            current.parent().find("img:last").attr("class", "display");

        var current = $(.display);
        //hide current img
        current.attr("class", "hide");
        //get next img
        var next = current.next();
        if(next !== null)
            //display next img if available
            next.atrr("class", "display");
            //display first img if next not available
            current.parent().find("img:first").attr("class", "display");

CSS (you can change the display: block to inline or anything that suit your requirement): CSS(您可以将display: block更改为inline或任何符合您要求的内容):

img.display {
    display: block;

img.hide {
    display: none;

I'm not a pro html, css, jquery so hope this somehow help you 我不是专业的html,css,jquery,所以希望这对您有所帮助

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